01 February 2014

CODEPINK: Did you hear what Scarlett Johansson did?

Source: mass emailing

February 1, 2014

Dear Debra V.,
It’s official: Movie star Scarlett Johansson has quit her esteemed position as an Oxfam Goodwill Ambassador to work for occupation profiteer SodaStream!
While we’re dismayed that Scarlett chose profit over human rights, we’re thrilled by the speedy and effective mobilization of activists like you that forced this story into the media spotlight! Activists took to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and the streets, calling on ScarJo to drop SodaStream –– or Oxfam to drop ScarJo –– for representing a product that is made in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank. For more information on SodaStream’s violations of international law you can read the report from our partners at Who Profits.
The story was a media sensation and a major victory for the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement. If you’re not already a part of our BDS Action Team, now is the perfect time to sign up.
This weekend, Johannson will be featured in a SodaStream ad during the Superbowl, and we’ve teamed up with our partners at the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation to generate a twitter storm during the game. We’ll raise awareness about SodaStream’s occupation profiteering and educate the Twitterverse about the brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine!
Here are some sample tweets you can use during the Superbowl!
If you want to make some of your own tweets, help us twitter jam the Super Bowl convo by using hashtags #sorrycokeandpepsi, #SB48, #SuperBowl, #Seahawks, #Broncos, and #SodaStream!
Thanks for helping to take the profit out of occupation,
Alli, Cayman, Janet, Jodie, Kate, Katie, Lisa, Medea, Nancy K, Nancy M, Sara, Sergei, and Tighe


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