03 February 2014

School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Events Team: Forthcoming Events in February 2014

Source: mass emailing

Dear Debra,
Don't let the rain keep you in, we have an exciting range of uniquely SOAS events to give your February an interesting twist. A sample of SOAS Events in February 2014 are listed below:
Women, Power and Politics in 21st Century Iran

4 February, 5.30pm, Khalili Lecture Theatre

Panel Discussion
A panel discussion on the various spheres of women’s activity – governance, education, employment and arts – in Iran, based on lived experiences of Iranian women living and working in Iran.

Chair: Arshin Adib-Moghdam, SOAS
For further details, please click here


Book Launch - Islam, Youth and Modernity in the Gambia: the Tablighi Jama'at
19 February, 5.30pm, Khalili Lecture Lecture Theatre

This monograph is the first on the Tablighi Jama'at in Africa. It focuses on a transnational Islamic missionary movement that has its origins in the reformist tradition that emerged in India in the mid-nineteenth century. The work brings a perspective on the dialogue between Sufi and reformist Islam and the interconnection between Islam, translocality and gender.
For further details, please click here


21 February, 6.00pm, Khalili Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Andrew Gordon (Harvard)
Since the 1990s an extraordinary change has taken place in the way Japan is understood and discussed both domestically and around the world. A country spoken of in the 1980s as model or as menace came to be described as a “soured” system beset by profound problems in society, economy and politics. By the end of the 1990s, the appellation that won the day (and still prevails) is that of “lost decade(s).”
For further details, please click here

SOAS Youtube Channel

A list of podcasts, videos and audio clips of the most prominent SOAS public events
Missed a SOAS event? You can now view podcasts of public events using the link below. 
To view or subscribe to SOAS Youtube Channel, click here.

SOAS Winter Calendar of Public Events

Free public events from January to March 2014
You can download a copy of the Winter calendar of SOAS public events using the link below. 
To download a copy, click here

We always welcome feedback on our events. If you have any comments and suggestions about our events, please email events@soas.ac.uk
Best wishes,
SOAS Events Team
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