03 February 2014

CODEPINK: All Hands on Deck to Say NO KXL!

Source: mass emailing

February 3, 2014
Dear Debra V.,
It’s down to the wire now. The State Department has just released its final assessment of the Keystone XL pipeline, and President Obama is expected to make a decision within the next three months. Will you join us to take a stand in the streets against the latest war on the environment?

CODEPINK has joined 350.org, CREDO, Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network and many other groups to host emergency protest vigils across the country tonight to urge the President to reject the Keystone XL. Our entire CODEPINK staff has signed onto the Pledge of Resistance, and hope you will join us in the streets tonight at a location near you.

President Obama has the facts he needs to reject the pipeline. Expected to carry 800,000 barrels per day and spew three times more climate pollution than conventional oil, this would be a disaster for the climate, and the lives of Indigenous communities, farmers and homes along the pipeline’s route.

It’s no secret that if we spent less money on the bloated Pentagon budget we could afford green energy technology. Green energy would create sustainable jobs, take our troops out of harm’s way, and protect the environment.

Join us tonight and over the next three months to call on President Obama to reject the Keystone XL Pipeline NOW!

Toward a greener future,
Alli, Cayman, Janet, Jodie, Kate, Katie, Lisa, Medea, Nancy K, Nancy M, Sara, Sergei, and Tighe



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