13 February 2014

Learn more about the 2014 Canadian School of Peacebuilding

Source: mass emailing

Learn more about the 2014
Canadian School of Peacebuilding
“CSOP has transformative potential – visit with care.”    
-Wendy Young
People come to the CSOP for many different reasons. Some come to gain skills in dealing with conflict at work or because of a curiosity about peacebuilding.  Others come for the chance to study with a particular peacebuilding elder, to connect with others who share a passion for peace,  to find new energy for their peace and justice work, as part of a degree or certificate program, or to re-connect with friends and mentors.
Whatever your reason is, we'd love to have you join us at the sixth annual Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP), a program of Canadian Mennonite University (CMU),  in Winnipeg, MB, June 16-20 and June 23-27, 2014.  All courses are available for personal inspiration, professional development or academic credit.
We now have syllabi available online for all of our courses, which are a great source of additional information about the course, whether you are taking the course for credit or training (training participants don't need to do the readings or assignments).
We are also developing a series of alumni profiles to tell the stories of just a few of the amazing people who make up the diverse CSOP community.  The first profile includes both a video and a story about 2013 participant, David Caceres.  Check it out on our Media, News & Resources page and check back for additional profiles in the coming weeks.
You can also check out our complete list of courses  and full list of renowned local, national and international instructors. For more information, go to our website or e-mail csop@cmu.ca. Each 5-day course is $525 for personal or professional development or $725 for academic credit.  You can apply online or by using a PDF registration form which you can fax, post or scan and e-mail back to us.
We hope you'll join us.
Jarem Sawatsky and Valerie Smith
Co-Directors, Canadian School of Peacebuilding

Instructor: Rupert Ross
What might those interested in a more restorative justice learn by exploring  indigenous approaches to justice and healing?  Such approaches to justice focus on issues typically out-of-focus within more Western approaches: our four human dimensions, our embeddedness within
creation, and our responsibility towards every part of it. Rupert Ross serves as the perfect guide for this exploration. As Assistant Crown Attorney for the District of Kenora for more than 20 years, he was responsible for criminal prosecutions on over 20 remote Ojibway and Cree First Nations. He also spent more than three years touring First Nations in
Canada to learn about peacemakers’ justice.
Instructor: Babu Ayindo
Using storytelling, handwork, image theater, visual arts, dance, forum-theater and photography, the course will demonstrate the transformative potential
of arts-based approaches to peace work and will examine how the arts can, and should, be applied to deepen analysis, unlock imagination, and generate
creative peace initiatives in various contexts.  Back by popular demand, Babu Ayindo will offer this course, his second class at the CSOP. Babu is a Kenyan involved in the design, facilitation and evaluation of conflict transformation and peacebuilding processes for almost two decades in
numerous parts of the world.

CMU | Canadian School of Peacebuilding Canadian Mennonite University 500 Shaftesbury Blvd | Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 2N2 , Canada

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