11 February 2014

Food Secure Canada: Food Hubs

Source: http://foodsecurecanada.org/resources-news/blogs-discussions/food-hubs

Food Hubs

Food Hubs are sprouting up all over North America, in large and small communities, some with physical facilities and others virtual.
Participants in the Local & Sustainable Food Systems Network are also among the actors in the food hubs realm. A Food Hubs Working Group was formed in early 2014 to bring together these actors and to launch a formal mechanism to exchange information and idenfity opportunities for collaboration and mutual support across Canada. Our first meeting was held on January 15th - the notes from that meeting can be downloaded here.
The next Food Hubs Working Group teleconference will be held on March 19th, 2PM Atlantic / 10AM Pacific. To join the Working Group or sign up for the teleconference, sign up here.
Between teleconferences, we can continue the discussion here. What appears to differentiate food hubs from more traditional food aggregators or brokers, is a comitmennt to maintain, as much as possible, a relationship of some sort between the producer and the eater ("putting the farmer's or fisher's face on food") and perhaps also layering social, environmental or other communal values onto the business model.
How do you think that food hubs can manage an intersection between economic viability for food producers and justice for workers and eaters? Please share your thoughts on this and other topics below.
- See more at: http://foodsecurecanada.org/resources-news/blogs-discussions/food-hubs#sthash.98VuMLek.dpuf

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