13 February 2014

New Israel Fund: NIF News: Building a More Inclusive Israel - 13 February 2014

Source: mass emailing 

13 February 2014
[image - Rabbi David Rosenn - http://www.nif.org/images/stories/NIF_News_Photos/1Mar2012/DR2002012.jpg]

Building a More Inclusive Israel

Israel, founded as the Jewish state, was never meant to be a theocracy... Read More »

[image - Rachel Liel - http://action.nif.org/images/Liel.jpg]

We Must Not Be Silenced by Spin

Rachel Liel responds to recent campaigns designed to intimidate progressive voices in Israel. Read More »


Kiryat Tivon Teacher Keeps His Job

A classroom discussion stirred a nationwide controversy over whether critical thinking belongs in civics classes. Read More »


Making Government Accountable

Activist and lawyer Alona Vinograd is making transparency an Israeli norm. Read More »


Let There be Light!

Residents of unrecognized Arab neighborhoods in Lod will finally be connected to the national electricity grid. Read More »


Tag Meir in Abu Tor

Following the latest Price Tag attack in Abu Tor, Jerusalem, the NIF-convened Tag Meir coalition organized a show of solidarity. SEE photos »


[image - donate to NIF]

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