22 February 2014

An Garda Síochána: Overview of An Garda Síochána Actions to Tackle Subversive & Organised Crime Activities

Source: http://www.garda.ie/Controller.aspx?Page=12667

Overview of An Garda Síochána Actions to Tackle Subversive & Organised Crime Activities

The recently published 2014 Policing Plan highlights the continued commitment of An Garda Síochána to pro-actively target groups and individuals engaged in criminal activity, including organised criminal and subversive activities.

As the operation on Sunday 2nd February 2014 highlighted, the counter-terrorism strategies and intelligence-led operations of An Garda Síochána are focused on targeting and disrupting any operational planning or logistical support being conducted or contemplated in this jurisdiction. The level of policing and security resources, both overt and covert, dedicated to this task continues to be commensurate to the threat posed.

An Garda Síochána continues in its endeavours to thwart terrorist activity on this island. As a result of many Garda operations some forty six (46) persons are currently before the Special Criminal Court to answer a range of charges including membership of the IRA; possession of firearms and possession of explosives. Many of these operations included seizures of firearms and explosives.

An Garda Síochána continues to develop and implement operations and strategies aimed at targeting, dismantling and disrupting criminal networks, utilising advanced analytical and intelligence methodologies.

Close cooperation exists at all levels between An Garda Síochána and our PSNI counterparts in the context of countering and investigating the activities of such groups. This co-operation takes place on operational and strategic levels, and includes: cross border investigations and joint operations; intelligence sharing and security; communications; training through the Patten exchange programme, and emergency planning. As part of this collaboration the targeting of organised criminal groupings is maintained as a priority.

An Garda Síochána also works closely with other police agencies such as Europol and Interpol to tackle the transnational elements of organised crime.
Multi-disciplinary approaches are utilised to ensure the activities of individuals and groups involved in criminal enterprise are effectively targeted, including the use of the Proceeds of Crimes Legislation, and the powers of the Criminal Assets Bureau.

Successful information-led interventions, based on intelligence and analysis, are used to reduce crime levels. The identification and targeting of organised crime groups, including those styling themselves as Republicans groups, whose activities have such a negative impact on communities across the country is a primary strategic objective of An Garda Síochána.

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