03 February 2014

New Israel Fund News: Victory in the Fight Against Women's Exclusion (and more)

Source: mass emailing

30 January 2014
 [image - Daniel Sokatch - http://www.nif.org/images/stories/NIF_News_Photos/11April2013/message-from-daniel-sokatch-sm.png]

Stay Tuned

In just a couple of weeks the NIF Board will convene in Tel Aviv for our winter board meeting. As usual, there’s a lot on our plate. Read More »
[image - http://nif.org/images/stories/NIF_News_Photos/30Jan2014/womenradioseenheard-sm.jpg]

Victory in the Fight against Women's Exclusion

An Orthodox public radio station infamous for banning women’s voices on air is being called to task. Read More »
[image - Groove Ambassadors - http://nif.org/images/stories/NIF_News_Photos/30Jan2014/grooveambassadors-sm.jpg]

Who Are You Calling a Refugee?

Tel Aviv restaurant, coffee shop, and bar owners joined together with African refugees for a day of celebration and bridge-building. Read More »
[image - The Social Guard - http://nif.org/images/stories/NIF_News_Photos/30Jan2014/socialguard-sm.png]

Increased Transparency for Knesset Hearings

A request from NIF grantee the Social Guard will, for the first time, obligate roll calls for Knesset committees. Read More »
[image - http://nif.org/images/stories/NIF_News_Photos/30Jan2014/publichousinglaw-sm.jpg]

Civil society wins public housing battle

Two and a half years after the social justice protests, a major victory will help ensure more affordable housing. Read More »


NIF in the News

Stop looking for traitors in every corner

YNet News,
21 January 2014

Israel's dilemma: Who can be an Israeli?

LA Times,
14 January 2014

Let my people stay. In Israel. Even if they're Africans. Or Arabs.

8 January 2014

On Topic

Nearly 40% of Israeli families can't cover monthly expenses, study shows

30 January 2014

Vandals hit Reform synagogue in Ra'anana

30 January 2014

Sometimes ‘Nazi’ Is the Right Word

New York Times,
17 January 2014


[SF] Rabbi David Saperstein at the JCRC

3 February 2014

[DC] Middle East Forum: Israel and the Next Generation

04 February 2014

[DC] New Generations Shabbat Dinners

21 February 2014

[DC] 4th Annual Community Day of Education on Israeli Arab Issues

9 March 2014

[SF] Brian Lurie at Kol Shofar

19 March 2014


NIF/SHATIL Social Justice Fellowships

For post-college Jewish young adults to spend 10 months immersed in the movement for social change in Israel. The application deadline has been extended to February 1st! Click here for more information and to apply »



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