18 February 2014

Demos events: February 2014

Source: mass emailing

DEMOS Events

demos website
Events programme - February 2014

Unlocking the Potential

We are delighted to be joined by Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP, Minister for Care and Support, Penny Mordaunt MP, Co-Chair of the APPG on Ageing and Older People, Stephen Lowe from Just Retirement and Les Mayhew, from the Cass Business School to launch Unlocking the Potential.
This new report by Demos explores how likely the government is to succeed in its goal to foster a new social care market, and options for enabling people to plan ahead for later life.
This event will take place on Tuesday 25th February from 8.30am at a central London location.
Supported by Just Retirement

Mapping Integration

Mapping Integration is a collection of essays published to mark the launch of Demos's new research programme. It aims to bring what we know about the lived reality of integration and segregation closer to the centre of political debate.
Contributors to the collection include Trevor Phillips, who will chair the event, Kris Hopkins MP, Eric Kaufmann, Katharine Birbalsingh, Shamit Saggar, Jasvinder Sanghera, Bobby Duffy, David Goodhart and Max Wind-Cowie.
The event will include a short panel discussion with some of the authors followed by an audience Q&A and will take place on Wednesday 26th February from 7.30pm in Parliament.

Up to the Job

Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP, Shadow Minister for Universities, Science and Skills will join us in the run up to apprenticeship week to launch a new report, Up to the Job.
Apprenticeships are deservedly popular with politicians and the public but they have considerable unrealised potential. This report makes recommendations for how this popularity can be built upon to grow the number and quality of apprenticeships.
This event will take place on Thursday 27th February from 8.15am at a central London location.
Supported by British Gas




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