03 February 2014

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) : ODI on... inequality debates | data revolutions | new goals and the urban future | myths on development - 31 January 2014

 Source: mass emailing

ODI - Shaping Policy for Development

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) newsletter
31 January 2014
God, Mammon and the debate on inequality
The word 'inequality' was on the lips of many of the rich and powerful who gathered in Davos. Kevin Watkins examines the rhetoric of those turning the spotlight on deepening global wealth divides - including the Pope, the World Economic Forum and the UN.
Data revolution: development's next frontier
Researchers have been lamenting bad data for decades. Now a nascent data revolution offers hope for dramatic changes – and improvements – in the way decisions are made for and about poor people. Claire Melamed investigates.
New goals and the urban future
If we are to end poverty, we must think about urbanisation. How can new development goals do a better job than the MDGs at addressing the problems and opportunities of urban areas? Paula Lucci sets out five steps in a blog and ODI Working Paper.
Busting myths on development
We've all heard them, but which ones really irk you? The Gates Foundation's annual letter outlined 'three myths that block progress for the poor'. ODI researchers can think of at least 16 more...
  Event: China’s engagement with Africa  
  What are the misconceptions, realities and unanswered questions around China’s role in African countries’ economic development? ODI convened a panel of experts recently convened at ODI to reflect on this key question for development.  

Briefing papers
Discussion papers
Journal articles
Research reports
ODI monthly podcast: Future Diets, South Sudan and Millennium Development Goals post-2015
Quoted - Thomson Reuters Foundation (trust.org) (27 January 2014)
Referenced - Financial Times (FT) (23 January 2014)
Quoted - Devex (23 January 2014)
Referenced - The Herald (21 January 2014)
Referenced - The Times of India (21 January 2014)
Referenced - Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) (19 January 2014)
Quoted - Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) (16 January 2014)

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