17 September 2014

Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence (ICGBV) Annual Seminar 2nd December 2014, 11.00—13.30 - Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin 2

Source: mass emailing

Please note that the Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence Annual Seminar will take place on 2nd December 2014 11.00-13.30 in the Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Please note the date:
ICGBV Annual Seminar
2nd December 2014
, 11.00—13.30
Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin 2

Beyond Fear

Prioritising the safety of women and girls in societies

At this year's annual seminar, we will examine access to justice for survivors of gender-based violence. Through case studies, we will investigate how justice can be achieved through the implementation of existing legislation and the creation of new laws where there are gaps in this legislation. We will also examine the social issues that surround men's violence against women, which result in a lack of accountability for perpetrators in our communities.  Working together to achieve justice we can end the culture of impunity for perpetrators and build protective societies for women and girls.

"If the State enforces its laws, girls will be protected from rape. There will be increased safety and security for girls and more state accountability for the enforcement of existing laws intended to protect women and girls." (160 Girls Project)

This is a free event. A light lunch will be served after the event. Official invite to follow in the weeks prior to the event.

Addressing the ICGBV Annual Seminar: 

Mary Robinson: United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Climate Change.
Previously UN Special Envoy to the Great Lakes (March 2013-July 2014), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (1997-2002), President of Ireland (1990-1997), and Patron to the Consortium since its formation in 2005.

Tom Meagher
Tom is the husband of the late Jill Meagher who was brutally murdered in Australia in 2012. During the trial, it was revealed that her murderer, Adrian Ernest Bayley, had an extensive history of rape and violence. Tom has a unique insight into the world of men's violence against women and now strives to highlight the issue and its prevalence. Tom writes for the White Ribbon campaign, speaking out bravely to highlight the social issues that permeate everyday life right up to our highest social institutions, and that facilitate men's violence against women.

Fiona Sampson: Executive Director for The Equality Effect
Ms Sampson is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated her 20-plus year career to seeking justice for society's disadvantaged. Fiona founded The Equality Effect in 2008 and in 2013, led her team in "The 160 Girls Project". The project resulted in a landmark victory in Kenya in which the country's High Court found the state's failure to protect girls from rape was unconstitutional and violated their human rights. Ms Sampson has been named one of the 50 "Global Heroes" working to end violence against children - along with Hilary Clinton and Queen Noor. She was named 2014 Lawyer of the Year by the New York State Bar Association and named one of the Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in Canada by Canadian Lawyers magazine (Top 5 on the "World Stage").

Chair of the Event

Brid Rosney:  Secretary to the Board of Trustees of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice, of which she was the founding Chief Executive Officer.
A former Director of RTÉ, Bride has also held the position of Special Advisor to Mary Robinson during her time as President of Ireland and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Further speakers to be announced
Copyright © 2014
All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence
c/o Oxfam Ireland
Portview House
Thorncastle Street
Dublin 4

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Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence · c/o World Vision Ireland · The Mews, Rathmines Park · Dublin, 6 · Ireland


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