17 September 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: OPEN BETHLEHEM - A F I L M B Y L E I L A S A N S O U R

Source: mass emailing

Exclusive screening of Open Bethlehem + interview with director by Melvyn Bragg

Y O U    A  R  E    C  O  R  D  I  A  L  L  Y    I  N  V  I  T  E  D     T  O     A  N     E  X  C  L  U  S  I  V  E     S  C  R  E  E  N  I  N  G     O  F 


A  F I L M  B Y  L E I L A  S A N S O U R
a t    T  H  E     R  O  Y  A  L     G  E  O  G  R  A  P  H  I  C  A  L     S  O  C  I  E  T  Y

 W e d n e s d a y   2 4 t  h    S e p t e m b e r    2 0 1 4 ,  7 : 0 0 p m  


Followed by an interview with the film-maker by MELVYN BRAGG and Q&A 

"One of the most remarkable and moving documentaries I have seen, about this unreported story. The tragedy of the Palestinians encapsulated in the life of one town - Bethlehem. See the film, then go to Bethlehem and see for yourself." JON SNOW

"Open Bethlehem is a deeply personal film that has been 10 years in the making. At times funny, always passionate, this film paints the portrait of Bethlehem as it has never been seen before.TIPPING POINT FILMS

"For most, Bethlehem is myth. For me, it is home and a real place right in the heart of the Middle East - a little town currently fighting for survival.LEILA SANSOUR

The screening will be followed by an interview between Leila Sansour and renowned British writer and broadcaster Melvyn Bragg with Q&A from the audience. The focus of the discussion,"Should we save Bethlehem?", will explore the dramatic changes taking place in the city  today and their implications to the wider region. 
Leila Sansour is an acclaimed Palestinian British film maker from Bethlehem, best known in the UK for her feature documentary Jeremy Hardy versus The Israeli ArmyLeila has worked for MBC, Al Jazeera and ITN News and is the founder of OPEN BETHLEHEM, an initiative that works to save the city. She started  chronicling  the building of the wall in her hometown in 2004, a project which resulted in the gathering of  a rare Bethlehem archive, both past and present. Parts of this vast digital collection will be presented on the FILM'S WEBSITE in the coming two years.

1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR
Located at the junction of Exhibition Road & Kensington Gore

Main entrance through Exhibition Road reception




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