19 September 2014

A Reminder About the Purpose of This Blog

This blog is one of tools I am using to track local, national and global dynamics that do or could potentially have an impact on the security of Canada.

I tend to see things through the political prism of feminism, but I will post from an array of political perspectives. Still I do have my personal beliefs.

For instance I do not believe the recruitment by ISIS (ISIL) has anything to do with any religion. I believe that the recruiters within ISIS are good recruiters, and they know well the sub-group they seek as "employees".

And when you recruit from a sub-set that believes he/she is alienated find a tool any tool that will bring them in the fold of "us" - however you defined us.  And the tool needs to be something of common for the sub-set you are pitching to.

It also serves ISIS well that the boogie man of the day – is Islam.  Indeed the group garners a significant portion of its global street cred from this fact.

I seek from the security sector less emotion – less fervor in discussions of extremism in which ISIL is one of many. 

Next, I believe there needs to be a specific set of tools and apparatus and people put in place to correct the statistical anomaly that is Aboriginal women in Canada being murdered far in excess of their statistical representation in the society.

The murder of Aboriginal women in Canada presents as a statistical aberration.  The solutions must match the statistical occurrence of the murders.

In addition what is happening to Aboriginal women in Canada represents a security breach in the nation.  From a security perspective it should matter little that they are women – that they are Aboriginal women.  The overriding concern should be that Canadians are viewed by some as highly disposal.  No nation should ever allow such a breach in the conceptualisation of any of its citizenry to exist…for very long.

I agree with Chief of Police Devon Clunis and his police service, the Winnipeg Police Service should be leading in the resolution of this situation.

I look forward to learning more about Canada and ways in which to best keep her safe.

I will continue to share information on this blog with Canada first and foremost.


Debra V. Wilson


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