A Winnipeg activist who works with the homeless is outraged by a Facebook page that makes fun of Winnipeggers with photos.
But the administrator for the page is defiant about keeping the “People of Winnipeg” page going. Ricky Paskie said they do their best to take down anything that could be deemed offensive but with more than 200 posts a day that can be difficult.
The page has more than 16,000 members and has posts that range from mocking people with disabilities to making racial slurs about multiple ethnic groups.
But there are also plenty of posts that are positive about the city, Paskie noted.

However, Althea Guiboche, who hands out food to the city’s homeless every Sunday, wants it taken down.
“People [are] making fun of the homeless and the drunk people and just disgusting pictures that are developing,” she said. “I can’t stand for that. I can’t even believe Winnipeg people are taking part in that.”
Guiboche said she’s shocked so many Winnipeggers would use the forum to make fun of some people who are obviously struggling.
“That page needs to be taken down, first of all, and I would hope all those people try to find something inside themselves to not post stuff like that,” she said.
Facebook user Jesse James, who has been a part of the group for more than a year, wrote a response to critics of the page, saying, “This group is about posting pictures of people who are out in public doing crazy things that may seem very unrealistic but are very real.
"The group is about finding the funny moments that are right in front of us every day because we live in a crazy city. This group is not here for people to be racist.”

What do you think of the Facebook page, People of Winnipeg?