06 September 2014

newswire.ca: Minister of State Tim Uppal concludes suc/cessful trip promoting peaceful pluralism on the international stage


Minister of State Tim Uppal concludes successful trip promoting peaceful pluralism on the international stage

OTTAWA, Sept. 2, 2014 /CNW/ - Tim Uppal, Minister of State for Multiculturalism, on Sunday concluded a trip to the United Kingdom, where he met with UK government officials to highlight Canada's success in encouraging and embracing peaceful pluralism.
As part of his trip, Minister Uppal also attended the Jalsa Salana 2014 International Convention, the formal annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. There, he met with His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih, addressed participants and highlighted Canada's successful experience with multiculturalism, and the important contribution the Ahmadiyya community in Canada has made toward that success.
On behalf of the Government of Canada, Minister Uppal met with Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government, to discuss each country's approach to multiculturalism.
Quick facts
  • Minister Uppal was in London as part of the Canadian delegation to the Jalsa Salana 2014 International Convention, August 29–31. His meetings focused on Canada's approach to multiculturalism.
  • The Government of Canada established the Office of Religious Freedom in February 2013 and has since established itself as a world leader in advancing and defending religious freedom around the world.
  • The Office of Religious Freedom focuses on advocacy, analysis, policy development and programming relating to protecting and advocating for the rights of religious communities facing threat and persecution.
  • The opening of the Office was announced at the Ahmadiyya headquarters and mosque in Maple, Ontario.

"Canada has seen great success with our world-renowned approach to multiculturalism, and I was proud to share this experience with our international partners in my discussions over the past few days. Our Government is committed to promoting intercultural understanding as well as inclusion and peaceful pluralism – in Canada and abroad."
Tim Uppal, Minister of State for Multiculturalism
Related product
News Release - Government of Canada highlights the importance of peaceful pluralism
Associated link
Canada's Office of Religious Freedom
Canadian Multiculturalism Act
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Photo of Minister of State Uppal available at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/photos/high-res/index.asp.

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SOURCE Citizenship and Immigration Canada
For further information: Office of the Minister of State (Multiculturalism), Joe Kanoza, Manager, Communications, 613-954-1064, joe.kanoza@cic.gc.ca | Media Relations, Communications Branch, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 613-952-1650, CIC-Media-Relations@cic.gc.ca

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