25 September 2014

The Huffington Post: Eric Holder To Resign As Attorney General

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/25/eric-holder-resigns_n_5881760.html

Eric Holder To Resign As Attorney General

Posted: Updated:

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder is resigning, NPR first reported Thursday.
Holder will announce his plans to depart the administration at a press conference at the White House this afternoon, calling his tenure the “greatest honor” of his professional life, according to Justice Department officials.
Holder, the nation’s first black attorney general, has served as the top law enforcement in the United States for nearly six years. He will remain in his post until his unnamed successor is confirmed by the Senate, which could take awhile.
A DOJ official said Holder discussed his plans with President Barack Obama several times in recent months, and the plans were finalized over Labor Day weekend at the White House residence.
Holder will step down as soon as his successor is confirmed. During the rest of his time as attorney general, Holder hopes to focus on causes like the town of Ferguson, Missouri, where tensions between the community and police escalated after the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by an officer.
Holder has plans to visit Scranton, Pa., on Friday, where he'll complete his goal of visiting all 93 U.S. Attorney's offices.
Holder has spoken about his resignation before, telling the New Yorker in February he was planning to leave office sometime this year. Holder told HuffPost in May he was unsure of when he would step down, but said he wanted to "try to get a few things done before I ultimately leave."
This is developing... Check back for more...

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