15 January 2014

Secularism is a Women's Issue - 13 January 2014

Source: mass emailing

Secularism is a Women's Issue

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:52 AM PST
Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique (AQMI) demande à la jeunesse nord-africaine de lutter contre les partisans de la laïcité dans leurs pays et de mener le jihad au Mali. "Le front du Maghreb islamique a aujourd'hui besoin du soutien des fils de la Tunisie, du Maroc, de la Libye et de la Mauritanie, pour faire échouer les attaques des croisés français, défaire leurs agents dans la région, et pour mettre en place le projet islamique et le jihad"
- fundamentalism / shrinking secular space / , , ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:50 AM PST
Laisser l'Article 38 (qui vient d'être adopté) dans notre future Constitution tel quel, c'est le risque fort probable de la fin de la mixité dans nos écoles, lycées, facultés,…, c'est le risque fort probable du hijab obligatoire pour toutes, c'est le risque fort probable de dire adieu à l'enseignement des beaux-arts (sculpture, peinture, gravure, musique, danse,…), de la philosophie, des langues étrangères …
- impact on women / resistance / , , ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:47 AM PST
And then came the 25 January revolution, which had a huge impact on my life. It was the official start of my Nubian activism. I met the members of the Nubian Democratic Youth Union. And through them I discovered the Nubian political community. I have to say that some of my assumptions about the conservatism and patriarchy that are imbedded in Nubian political circles — and possibly in all of Egypt's political groups — were right.
- impact on women / resistance / , ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:47 AM PST
Amina Filali, 16 ans — violée, battue puis obligée d'épouser son violeur — s'est suicidée à cause du code pénal marocain qui blanchit un violeur s'il épouse sa victime mineure. Après des années de combat pour modifier cette loi, le vote décisif pourrait intervenir dans les tous prochains jours ! En ce moment même, la couverture médiatique est nulle et il n'y a pas de pression sur les parlementaires pour les inciter à aller dans la bonne direction. Mais quand nous atteindrons 1 million de signatures, nous placerons des encarts dans les journaux que lisent les députés et soutiendrons les mobilisations des militants Marocains.
- impact on women / resistance / , , ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:46 AM PST
"Prime Minister Benkirane and Members of Parliament: Since 2006, the government has been promising to pass a law to stop violence against women, but has failed to do so. As concerned global citizens, we call on you to stand with women by immediately reforming Article 475 which lets rapists escape punishment by marrying their child victims and to pass comprehensive legislation addressing violence against women. Right now, there is almost no news coverage and no pressure on legislators to do the right thing. When our call is 1 million strong, we'll place ads in the newspapers that MPs read and stand with Moroccan activists outside of Parliament".
- impact on women / resistance / , , ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:44 AM PST
The heartbreaking story of Amina El Filali captures the fear facing women and girls who are raped and obligated to get married with their rapist because of one particularly outdated lawful tradition.
- impact on women / resistance / , , ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:44 AM PST
Certain extremist armed opposition groups are imposing strict and discriminatory rules on women and girls that have no basis in Syrian law, such as dress code, moving freely in public, working, and attending school. "Extremist groups like ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra are undermining the freedoms that Syria's women and girls enjoyed, which were a longtime strength of Syrian society." "As we have seen in situations in Somalia, Mali, and elsewhere, these kinds of restrictions often mark the beginning of a complete breakdown of women's and girls' rights."
- fundamentalism / shrinking secular space / , ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:44 AM PST
There were clashes ongoing nearby and the security forces invaded the campus...
- fundamentalism / shrinking secular space / ,
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 08:43 AM PST
New crackdown on the "pro-democracy" camp: non-islamist affiliated, secular, calls for liberties and freedom, i.e. 'being free of Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists and all religious affiliated activists'. This verdict was followed by another one on Mona Seif from the group of "No to military trial for civilians". The current regime is putting major restrictions of freedom on protest and freedom of press.
- fundamentalism / shrinking secular space / , , ,


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