30 January 2014

Israel Palestine Creative Initiatives: News from Israel and Palestine

Source: mass emailing

News, reports and upcoming events.
Dear Friends of IPCRI

After 26 years of service to IPCRI as Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors and as a Co-Director (2005-2011), Hanna Siniora has decided to step down.  Hanna Siniora is a true man of peace who has dedicated his entire adult life in the service of the Palestinian people and in efforts to find a solution.  He was one of the first Palestinian leaders to stand forward and present the Palestinian cause to the Israeli public.  He never shied away from the opportunity to present Palestine to Jews, Americans or others.  He always reached out to diplomats, to people of faith and to common citizens around the world and demonstrated that Palestinians want peace.  Hanna’s voice in IPCRI was prominent and full of wisdom.  He has for decades played a leading role, always on the front lines in the cause of the solution of two states for two people.

As IPCRI’s founder and co-director for 24 years (from 1988-2011) I have been honored to have Hanna as my colleague and as my friend.  I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to Hanna Sinoira for all of the years of hard work for peace.

Gershon Baskin
IPCRI’s Co-Chairman 
P.S. Have you liked us on Facebook already? There we share news and analysis about the conflict and our events on a daily basis. Like us now
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Women Leadership: Rising in Voices in Conflict Resolution Celebration
After two months of intense work, the participants of the project gathered once again, on January 24th, to update each other on their progress and achievements and look into the future. The diverse fields of action selected by the women demonstrate their deep understanding of the issues which women in conflict zones are dealing with in their daily lives and promote women leadership in peacemaking. The women's outreach activities included: a series of lectures for Palestinian health professionals on PTSD and on the importance of palliative care; a research on Palestinian women political leadership and involvement 1913-2013; a discussion on normalization from the point of view of Palestinian women; a research for a position paper on the urgent need in political education for female adolescents in Israel; and a panel of personal narratives of women living in this conflict zone. In the next couple of months the women will finalize this round of actions. The participants have decided to continue meeting periodically in order to strengthen their Women Partnership for Peace and generate further actions in both societies.

For placing a donation please click here 
Two States in one Space: Project Update

In February IPCRI will be starting a research project on an alternative solution to the conflict based on the current political and social realities in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The idea rests on two premises:

1. There must be two national sovereign states living side by side in peace;
2. There must be freedom of movement between the two states.

The model that is being researched aims to replace the separation paradigm with that of  partnership. The different research working groups  will include the following issues:

1. Governance and shared institutions; 2. Residence, citizenship and freedom of movement; 3. Jerusalem and holy sites; 4. Right of return, law of return and immigration; 5. Security 6. Economy; 7.  Reconciliation. 

Stay updated on our events and projects
Invitation: Breaking Down Walls tour of Ramallah
Saturday February 15th 

As part of the "Breaking Down Walls" series, IPCRI invites Israelis and all others for a guided day tour of Ramallah and its top sites on Saturday, February 15th. The tour will include sightseeing, political discussion, and firsthand experiences. Bus pick-up will be in Tel Aviv, Latrun and Jerusalem, and will take participants into Ramallah from morning until early evening. A traditional Palestinian-style vegetarian lunch will be served at a local restaurant (included in participation fee). The tour is guided by a Palestinian licensed guide and are held in English.
Registration for Israelis is due on Sunday, February 9th at 9:00 am. Internationals can register until 12:00 am on Thursday, February 12th.

Register for Ramallah Tour

See Facebook Tour Event
Project update – Growing Together: Small Scale Food Sustainability

On Saturday January 25th, the Bethlehem Study Centre hosted a workshop on the importance of sustainable farming and local food production. The event was part of the educational outreach phase of the project, which is a small-scale project setting up three sustainable food production systems in the Palestinian town of Beit Sahour. The event focused on educating the local population about low cost farming techniques. It provided the community with alternative methods of growing domestic vegetables and fish. The workshop consisted of lectures by international and locals on the importance of food security, healthy diet and sustainable agriculture. It also offered demonstrations of the operation and maintenance of the three water efficient farming systems; Aquaponics, Hydroponics and Wicking beds aiming to improve the livelihoods of the Beit Sahour community in the West Bank.  
Invitation: Breaking Down Walls Tour of Jericho
Saturday February 22nd 

Jericho is considered to be the oldest continually inhabited city in the world and is known as the “City of Palms.” You are invited to experience Jericho with IPCRI on February 22nd. The tour is guided by a Palestinian licensed guide and is held in English. Bus pick-up in Tel Aviv, Latrun and Jerusalem is arranged, taking participants into Jericho from early morning and returning early evening. This tour includes Quarantal Monastery.
Registration deadline for Israelis is Sunday, February 16th at 9:00 am. Internationals can sign up till Wednesday, February 19th at 12:00 am. 

Register for Jericho Tour

See Facebook Tour Event

Stay up to date by following us on Facebook

We are against normalization.
We are for ending the occupation and a just and sustainable resolution of the conflict

Our mailing address is:
Israel Palestine Creative Regional Initiatives
PO Box 11091
Jerusalem 91110

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