23 January 2014

New Overseas Development Institute event - Can disasters become an opportunity? Building back better in Aceh, Myanmar and Haiti

Source: mass emailing

ODI - Shaping Policy for Development

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) - Events Update
January 2014
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  Can disasters become an opportunity? Building back better in Aceh, Myanmar and Haiti  
28 January 2014 14:00 - 15:30 and streamed live online
  Can disasters become an opportunity for bringing about transformative change? This event will launch a new Humanitarian Policy Group paper 'Disaster as Opportunity? Building Back Better in Aceh, Myanmar and Haiti'. It seeks to contribute to the resilience debate through an examination of what 'build back better' meant in three disaster responses, the Indian Ocean tsunami in Aceh, Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and the earthquake in Haiti.

Lilianne Fan - Research Fellow, Humanitarian Policy Group
Jo da Silva - Director, Arup International Development
Priscilla M. Phelps - Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Advisor, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
Simon Levine - Research Fellow, Humanitarian Policy Group

Chair - TBC   

Follow #buildbackbetter on Twitter for live coverage.

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