24 January 2014

Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees:You Saved 37 Lives in Last Three Months. Thank You. - 24 Jan 2014

Source: mass emailing

This message has been sent to you through the "Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees" mailing list.
On behalf of everyone involved with IRQR we would like to take this opportunity to say our highest thank you for helping us get our refugees to a country where they feel safe and valued.

Over the years IRQR has helped over 800 people with 540 of them successfully resettled in new countries. The remaining cases are still in process. With great pleasure we accepted your kind donations knowing they have helped many people. Our refugees face persecution, beatings and even death. It is the IRQR mission to ensure people who identify as a member of queer community living in Iran experience freedom and the ability to live without fear. With your help IRQR was able to help refugees relocate to a country where they are able to enjoy their life and feel safe.

Many queers flee Iran and arrive in Turkey but their situation does not get better there. It can take around 2-3 years before they are safe. It is important to IRQR that we are helping our refugees throughout the whole process until they arrive in a safe country.  In the last three months we were able to resettle 29 refugees from Turkey to Canada and 8 refugees from Turkey to United States of America.

Without your help this would not have been possible. On behalf of all of the lives you have changed and the people at IRQR, we want to say thank you for everything you have contributed in helping others live without fear and start living with hope.

If you or others you know would like to contribute further in assisting us to enhance the lives of others, please visit our website at IRQR.CA

Thank you again
Arsham Parsi
Executive Director
Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees


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