27 January 2014

15th International Symposium-World Society of Victimology (05-9 July 2015 in Perth, Australia)

Source: http://us3.campaign-archive2.com/?u=07962a826b93cb461456571ea&id=00423a9b8f&e=8f48cb6e76

5-9 July 2015 - Save the dates

Perth, Western Australia

Victim researchers and academics, victim support practitioners, policy makers, police, and relevant workers within criminal justice systems around the globe are invited to attend and contribute to the 15th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology which is to be held in Perth, Western Australia at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on the 5-9 July 2015.
The Symposium’s organising committee will invite International and Australian keynote presenters from the broader discipline of Victimology and bring them together in one of Australia's most beautiful cities.
Western Australia also has a strong community focus at the forefront of victim services in Australia.

Further details on speakers, the call for abstracts and registrations will be forthcoming in 2014.

This Symposium follows on from the successful 14th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology, Justice for Victims: Cross-cultural perspectives on conflict, trauma and reconciliation which was held in The Hague, The Netherlands in 2012.
The Symposium is being organised by the World Society of Victimology, Victim Support Australia, angelhands Inc and the Australian Institute of Criminology.

Head to the conference website to find out more about the conference venue and destination.

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