16 January 2014

Congregation Beit Simchat Torah - CBST: 7pm Friday, MLK Shabbat Services - 17 January 2014 and 20 January 2014 in NYC

Source: Facebook

Tomorrow night at CBST we welcome back Masha Gessen, journalist and activist, to talk about the current Russian persecution of LGBTQ people. What is happening in advance of the Sochi Olympics? What should we expect afterwards? What can we do?

Social Justice is our focus this week for MLK Shabbat and our LGBTQ Multi-Faith MLK Celebration on Monday night -- featuring clergy and choirs from a range of New York LGBTQ congregations (including Rabbi Kleinbaum, Rabbi Bauer, Cantorial Soloist Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev, and the CBST Community Chorus).

7pm Friday, MLK Shabbat Services
7pm Monday, the LGBTQ Multi-Faith Celebration

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