15 January 2014

Canadian Feminist Voices

Source: http://e2.ma/webview/9s2hf/2b9e5d186b98aa40f9edb64ba411f328

January 15 | 2014 | issue #7
Canadian Feminist Voices is a regular round-up of gender equality news, reports and events in Canada. It is hosted by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Making Women Count project.
To change your subscription to this list, please contact us at canfemdigest@gmail.com.

Supreme Court strikes down Canada's prostitution laws:
Supreme Court Ruling (full text):
Health Canada apologizes for blundering over existence of RU-486 application:
Young women face barriers to workplace advancement:
Ashley Smith inquest: Death a homicide, jury rules:
Equipment failure leaves woman with MS stranded at Montreal airport:
Babies born in jail belong with moms, B.C. court says:
Prominent Canadian women may soon have names etched into history:
Almost 2/3 of women journalists polled have experienced abuse or harassment:
IFJ launches global campaign to end violence against women journalists:
Air Canada refuses to transfer voucher to wife who kept her name:
Pressure grows to protect domestic workers:

IDLE NO MORE: New generations of young women activists:
Seeking accountability by the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) for its treatment of women with mental health concerns:
Gaps in Canada’s gender score show up on syllabus:
Canada faces year of argument on prostitution law:
Op-Ed: Are battered women justified in killing in self-defence? You decide:
Unlucky, lazy, or just female? Why there aren’t more women in the top 100:
Women deserve better representation on Canada’s boards:
How to make STEM jobs the ones women want:
How drivel like Hanna Rosin’s “Men Are Obsolete” harms both men and women:
Indigenous women call on the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women to recognise Indigenous peoples' collective rights:
Gender equality: Will the post-2015 goals succeed where the MDGs failed?
Low carbon development from a gender perspective:
Why women aren’t welcome on the internet:

Webinar on family law & violence against women:
Call For participation: Women's leadership programs at the Coady Institute:
Report: Overcoming barriers to leadership for young women:
Report: Violence against women: Health and justice for Canadian Muslim women:
Canadian Labour Congress surveys workers on domestic violence:
Domestic Violence in the Canadian Workplace is accessible in English or French at http://fluidsurveys.com/s/dvatwork/
Final statement from the First Global Forum on Media and Gender:

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