29 January 2014

Noor Cultural Centre (in Toronto): Religious Accommodation Lecture - Thurs; Forgiveness Symposium - Sat.

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Religious Accommodation and its Limits: The Recent Controversy at York University; Thurs. Jan. 30
Symposium | Exploring Forgiveness; Sat. Feb. 1
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Thursday January 30; 7-9 pm
Religious Accommodation and its Limits: The Recent Controversy at York University
By Professor Richard Moon
Richard Moon (LLB, BCL Oxford University) is a professor of law at University of Windsor. His research focuses on freedom of expression, and freedom of conscience and religion. He is the author of numerous works, including the books Freedom of Conscience and Religion (Irwin Law, 2014) and The Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression (University of Toronto Press, 2000)
Date: Thursday January 30, 2014
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: Free

Saturday February 1; 6-9 pm
Symposium | Exploring Forgiveness
This special symposium is offered in collaboration with the Modern Times Stage Company, and inspired by their upcoming production 'Forgiveness: A Theatrical Poem'.

The production will run from February 15 - March 1. Tickets can be purchased in advance from here; use the coupon code 'NOOR' for a 15% special discount (available on non-matinee performances from Feb 19).

The symposium will feature two panel discussions (moderated by Dr. Ramin Jahanbegloo, Noor Chair in Islamic Studies at York University):
6:00 - 7:00 pm : Forgiveness on Stage
Soheil Parsa (Artistic Director, Modern Times Stage Company) and Peter Farbridge (Co-Artistic Director, Modern Times Stage Company) discuss the theme of forgiveness as expressed through art.
7:00 - 9:00 pm : Forgiveness in Religion
Forgiveness is an important concept in many religious traditions, and is closely connected to concerns which lie at the heart of these traditions, such as love, peace, non-violence, and justice.
Questions explored through the lenses of religious texts and traditions in this symposium may include: What are the benefits of forgiveness, and is forgiveness always good? What is the difference between forgiving and forgetting? Are there prerequisites for forgiveness? Is justice necessary for forgiveness? What are the relationships between Divine forgiveness and human forgiveness, between self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, between individual forgiveness and communal forgiveness? What are barriers to forgiveness? And what techniques and practices aid in overcoming these barriers?
The panel will feature perspectives from:
Native Spirituality - Zainab Amadahy (Indigenous sovereignty activist)
Hinduism - Pandit Roopnauth Sharma (Spiritual leader of Ram Mandir Temple)
Buddhism - Rev. Christina Yanko (Spiritual leader at Toronto Buddhist Church)
Judaism - Rabbi Debra Landsberg (Spiritual leader at Temple Emanu-El)
Christianity - Prof. Reid Locklin (Associate Professor of Christianity and the Intellectual Tradition at University of Toronto)
Islam - Azeezah Kanji (Programming Coordinator at Noor Cultural Centre)
Date: Saturday February 1, 2014
Time: 6 pm
Location: Auditorium, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: Free

Noor Cultural Centre | 123 Wynford Dr. | Toronto | ON | M3C 1K1 | Canada

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