06 January 2015

Palestinian Mission UK: Dr. Erekat on halting of Palestinian tax revenues by Israel

Source: mass emailing 

Statement by PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Saeb Erekat on halting of Palestinian tax revenues by Israel
In response to our legitimate step to seek international justice for our people following decades of Israeli human rights violations combined with impunity for its crimes, the Government of Israel has announced that it willf   take several punitive measures against our nation. Israel is once again responding to our legal steps with further illegal collective punishments.

A few hours ago, we have been unofficially informed that the Government of Israel has decided not to transfer our revenues, which, according to signed agreements, are the revenues they collect on our behalf and are obliged to transfer to us. Israel is using piracy against international law. This is not Israeli charity to the Palestinian people they are withholding, but our own money, which is rightfully ours.

By taking such steps Israel aims at breaking the will of a nation that is using peaceful tools granted by international law in its struggle against colonialism and in its pursuit of freedom and independence. Just as any other colonial power before, Israel will not succeed.

If Israel, or any other country, wants to punish our people for seeking freedom and independence through diplomacy and non-violent means, we would like to reaffirm that this will not stop us. Palestine will continue its march towards an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Once again we call upon the international community to assume its responsibility, hold Israel accountable for its international law violations, and support Palestinian diplomatic initiatives in order to ensure a just and lasting peace.

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