04 January 2015

openDemocracy: oD looks back at 2014: When is civil society a force for social transformation?

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oD looks back at 2014: When is civil society a force for social transformation?
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openDemocracy looks back at 2014

When is civil society a force for social transformation?

By MICHAEL EDWARDS, 30 May 2014 08:00 am There are more civil society organizations in the world today than at any other time in history, so why isn't their impact growing?  Read in full >>
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Transforming anger into nonviolent power

By STEPHANIE VAN HOOK, 18 Jul 2014 08:00 am Anger, rage and a desire for revenge are all reasonable and justified in the face of armed attacks, abuse and exploitation. What matters is what we do with these things. Read in full >>
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Time does not always heal: state violence and psychic damage

By NINA POWER, 28 Apr 2014 09:29 am My partner Alfie Meadows was nearly killed when a police officer hit his head with a truncheon at a demo. After Alfie was charged with 'violent disorder', I was so viscerally angry I stopped being able to feel temperature. Part of Transformation's politics of mental health series. Read in full >>
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Is cruelty the key to prosperity?

By MARGARET SOMERS, FRED BLOCK, 27 Oct 2014 09:00 am According to many politicians, removing benefits is necessary to compel the unemployed to work even if their children suffer as a consequence. What's the origin of this idea? Read in full >>
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On a good day she would kiss me back: transforming trauma into creative energy and action

By TED COMET, 10 Mar 2014 09:50 am Instead of giving in, the deepest thing we can do with trauma is to transmute pain into actions that heal ourselves and help other people. A powerful meditation on love, loss, recovery and resistance. Read in full >>
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What's so special about storytelling for social change?

By SIMON HODGES, 21 Jan 2014 10:52 am A new world requires new stories, but people will only listen to them when they themselves are included in the storyline. This requires a 'gear-shift' in conversations about radical action. Read in full >>
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Welcome to the planetary hospice

By CAROLYN BAKER, 17 Jun 2014 08:20 am Surrendering to the implications of climate change is an act of courage not cowardice. This is the first article in a new debate on Transformation. Shannon Biggs responds here. Read in full >>
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Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton: two journeys to wholeness

By SUSAN RAKOCZY, 22 Oct 2014 08:45 am Two lives show that a truly integrated existence—a life-long process of personal and political transformation—lies within the reach of everyone. Read in full >>
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Israel's wall: 10 years justice denied

By RAFEEF ZIADEH, 09 Jul 2014 09:47 am "Operation Protective Edge" is under way, with air strikes in Gaza, 22 Palestinians killed and rockets fired at Israel. 10 years ago the International Court of Justice declared the Israeli separation wall illegal under international law. Has anything changed? Read in full >>
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No surrender: responding to the new breed of climate change in-activists

By SHANNON BIGGS, 18 Jun 2014 08:04 am Waiting for death in the planetary hospice is not a convincing response to climate change: a response to Carolyn Baker. Read in full >>
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