25 January 2015

BBC Radio 4 - Today, 14/01/2015: Sadiq Khan's interview on BBC Radio 4 on Muslim communities in Britain after the Paris terrorist attacks (from 2hr 18mins)

Source to the BBC Radio Interview: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04xp63v

Information on Sadiq Khan:http://www.sadiqkhan.org.uk/about


Sadiq Khan is the Member of Parliament for Tooting, where he has lived all his life. He was first elected as MP for Tooting on 5th May 2005 and was re-elected on 6th May 2010. He is Shadow Lord Chancellor and Shadow Secretary of State for Justice (with responsibility for political and constitutional reform), having been elected to the Shadow Cabinet on October 7th 2010.
Sadiq Khan
Sadiq Khan is the Member of Parliament for Tooting, where he has lived all his life. He was first elected as MP for Tooting on 5th May 2005 and was re-elected on 6th May 2010.

He is Shadow Lord Chancellor and Shadow Secretary of State for Justice (with responsibility for political and constitutional reform), having been elected to the Shadow Cabinet on October 7th 2010.
In January 2013 Sadiq was appointed as the Shadow Minister for London, a position he holds as well as being Shadow Justice Secretary and Shadow Lord Chancellor.

Previously the Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, Sadiq was the first ever BAME politician to be elected to the Labour Party’s Shadow Cabinet, and was the youngest member of Ed Miliband’s cabinet. He served in a number of ministerial posts during the last Labour Government. He is a member of the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC), the Labour Party’s governing and policy-making body.

In June 2009 Sadiq was appointed to the Privy Council and was asked to attend Cabinet meetings, becoming both the first Asian and the first Muslim to do so.
In Tooting

Sadiq was born in St George’s Hospital in Tooting, growing up on a council estate in Earlsfield. He attended local state schools Fircroft Primary School (where he is now a governor), Ernest Bevin Comprehensive School and Burntwood Girls Secondary School (for sixth form, where it’s mixed!). His father was a London Transport bus driver for more than 25 years.

He married in 1994 to a fellow solicitor in Wandsworth, who was also born and raised in South London. They have 2 daughters who both attend local state schools.

Sadiq was a Councillor for the Tooting ward in the London Borough of Wandsworth from 1994 to 2006 (and was Deputy Leader of the Labour Group for 5 years). He became the youngest councillor in London when first elected at the age of 23.

He was awarded the title of Honorary Alderman for the London Borough of Wandsworth in June 2006 for his long service.

In May 2005 General Election Sadiq was elected as Member of Parliament for Tooting. He was the first ever MP of Islamic faith ever elected in London.

In the May 2010 General Election, Sadiq was re-elected to represent Tooting having received 22,038 votes - getting over 4000 more votes than in the 2005 General Election - on a 68.6% turnout. This represented a rise in both his personal votes, and his share of the vote
Legal Career

Prior to becoming the MP for Tooting, Sadiq was a Human Rights solicitor and was a founding partner of one of the country's leading Human Rights firms. In his final year of practising law he was listed as one of the county's leading lawyers in two separate categories of law in the Chambers and Partners directory 2004-05 (Human Rights and Police law).

He has acted in a number of landmark cases in all major Courts (including the European Court of Human Rights, House of Lords, Court of Appeal), and Tribunals. Prior to being an MP, he wrote, lectured and appeared in the media on a range of issues. He co-authored Police Misconduct: Legal Remedies (LAG 4th edition 2005) and Challenging Racism; Using the Human Rights Act (Lawrence and Wishart 2003).

As a lawyer, Sadiq gave evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee on a number of occasions, and to the Privy Council of the House of Lords.

Sadiq was Chair of Liberty (NCCL) for 3 years and Vice Chair of Legal Action Group (LAG) for a number of years. He has advised a number of the country's major voluntary and community groups.

Sadiq has been a visiting lecturer at the University of North London and London Metropolitan University, and is a former governor of South Thames FE College.

Member of Parliament (2005- present)

Sadiq was a member of the prestigious Public Accounts Select Committee between 2005 and 2007.

He was awarded 'Newcomer of the Year' in the Spectator Magazine Parliamentarian of the Year awards 2005. He was runner-up in Channel 4's 'Rising Star' award, and was described as 'one to watch' by both The Independent and The New Statesman. 
As a backbench MP Sadiq was critical of some of the Labour Government’s counter terrorism and foreign policy.

In 2008, Sadiq was awarded the Muslim News Award for Excellence. (He was the first politician ever to be nominated for such an award).

In 2008 Sadiq authored the book 'Fairness Not Favours - How to connect with British Muslims', which won the Jenny Jeger award for best Fabian Society publication. You can read this here.

Sadiq was one of the first MPs ever to take part in the VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) PolVol scheme. He volunteered in Sierra Leone.

Sadiq has been the Chair of the All Party Group of Citizens Advice Bureau, Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Child and Youth Crime, Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party Home Affairs Committee, and founder and former Chair of the Access For All Stakeholder Group.

In 2008 Sadiq was made a Fellow of the Industry and Parliament Trust, for his work in fostering understanding between business and parliament.

In 2008 Sadiq became a fellow of the British American project. This is a fellowship of some 600 leaders and opinion formers, drawn in equal numbers from the United States and the United Kingdom. Sadiq Khan is one of thirteen UK politicians who are part of this fellowship.

A BBC survey at the end of 2012 revealed that out of more than 70 London MPs Sadiq was placed in fourth for the number of constituents he sees every year. You can read more about this here

Previous ‘front bench’ roles (2007-2010)

Before his current position, Sadiq was the Shadow Secretary of State for Transport. In the last Labour government he held a number of Ministerial roles, the most recent of which was Minister of State for Transport from June 2009-May 2010.

Sadiq’s areas of responsibility included city and regional networks, buses and cycling, Crossrail, environment and climate change and integration with European transport networks.

From October 2008 to June 2009 Sadiq was Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Department for Communities and Local Government. He had special responsibility for community cohesion, religion and belief, the fire and rescue service, race, preventing violent extremism, the valuation and tribunal service and planning and local government.

He helped pass the Business Rates (Supplement) Act and was the first Western Minister ever to visit the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, as part of a Ministerial visit in 2009.

Sadiq has also been a Minister in the Government Whip's Office where he had special responsibility for managing Ministry of Justice legislation. Prior to this he was the Parliamentary Private Secretary to Rt Hon Jack Straw MP.
Shadow Lord Chancellor & Shadow Justice Secretary (2010-)

As Shadow Lord Chancellor and Shadow Justice Secretary Sadiq holds the government to account on justice and constitutional affairs.

This includes issues such as prisons, courts, sentencing, legal aid, House of Lords reform, defamation, voting and boundary reviews, and more recently Sadiq has been holding the Government to account over secret courts and fervently defending the Human Rights Act. 

News and updates on his work in this field can be found here.

In 2011 Sadiq edited a book for the Fabian Society, titled ‘Punishment and Reform: How our justice system can help cut crime’, which focused on cutting reoffending and helping victims of crime. You can read more about it here. This was awarded the Jenny Jeger Award in November 2012. 

Other interests and achievements

He is a former Chair of the Fabian Society, where he is still on the Executive Committee and is a patron of Progress. He belongs to the GMB union and is a member of the CWU and UNISON group of MPs.

Sadiq is patron of the Polka Theatre Company and is also an active member of the UKPFC (UK Parliamentary Football Club) and the Lords and Commons Cricket Club. Outside of Parliament, he supports both Liverpool Football Club and Surrey County Cricket Club (where he had a trial as a teenager).

Between 2004-2008 he was Chair of Governors of the country's first purpose built Islamic ethos primary school, which is in Tooting. He is still a Governor of 2 local primary schools.

In 2012 Sadiq received the inaugural ‘Achievement and Inspiration’ award from the NUS and FOSIS (Federation of Student Islamic Societies).

In November 2012, Sadiq became one of the first Mosaic Ambassadors. As an ambassador Sadiq publically advocates the work of the initiative and provides inspiration to hundreds of young people. You can read more about Mosaic here.

Sadiq is also a Mentor as part of the UpRising Leadership Programme and Operation Black Vote.

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