20 January 2015

Mossad: Statement from Director, Tamir Pardo and a Reposting of Their Video

Source: https://www.mossad.gov.il/eng/about/Pages/DirectorsWord.aspx

Director's Word

Welcome to the MOSSAD website.

The people of Israel have been fighting for their existence for generations. We are here to preserve their survival and enhance their strength. This is the MOSSAD's main mission.
The MOSSAD, Israel's intelligence and special operations service, is the operational and intelligence arm of the State of Israel beyond its borders.
The MOSSAD's main missions include foiling attempts by Israel's enemies to obtain non-conventional weapons, especially nuclear arms; preempting and preventing terror attacks against Israelis abroard; and supporting the IDF in achieving its goals.
Much of the MOSSAD's activity relies on sophisticated technology, but at the heart of the MOSSAD's successes lies its most precious resource - its people.
From the very first day that I began my service in the MOSSAD in 1980, I have met the most worthy and unique people, of sound values, who strive to achieve the MOSSAD's goals with creativity, determination, devotion and courage.
The MOSSAD's operations and activity are secret and its people remain anonymous. The MOSSAD has a long and glorious history of bold and daring operations. Information about the MOSSAD's activity does not reach the public, and often what is publicized many years after the event is but the tip of the iceberg of almost imaginary activity and operations.
It is for good reason that the MOSSAD is considered one of the best intelligence organizations in the world, and I am more than proud to head it.
We shall continue to stand firm and steadfast, serving the State of Israel with devotion and dedication, thereby reinforcing its strength and resilience. This website gives you a brief glimpse of the MOSSAD, and will reveal only a little of its past and activity.

Tamir Dean Pardo,
Director, MOSSAD.

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