09 January 2015

​Centre for Crime and Justice Studies: Conference notice: Police corruption, spying, racism - 06-07Feb2015 in London, England

Source: mass emailing

I am writing to let you know about a unique conference being held by the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and The Monitoring Group, in partnership with Imran Khan partners and Tottenham Rights. The purpose is to seek common ground between families, community workers, journalists, academics, lawyers and affected communities in understanding and challenging the problem of police corruption, spying and racism.
The conference – Police corruption, spying, racism and accountability. UK policing in the 21st century – is taking place on 6 and 7 February at Conway Hall in central London. It takes as its starting point that there is a profound crisis in policing across the UK that requires us to share information and experiences, develop ideas and create new partnerships that will spur action for genuine police accountability.
We will be joined by an impressive line-up of speakers, including Dame Doreen Lawrence, Imran Khan, Professor Ben Bowling, Lee Jasper, Mark Thomas, John McDonnell MP, Sukdev Reel, Janet Alder, Suresh Grover and Helen Steele. The full programme is available on the registration page.
You can register via the link below for one or both days of the conference. If you are registering as a waged individual it will cost £15 for a single day or £30 for both (unwaged is £5 for each day). There are additional fees for organisations sending attendees.
I hope you are able to join us for the event, and ask that you might consider helping to publicise the conference through your contacts and networks through sharing this invitation and this link to the conference website:
Yours with best wishes
Will McMahon
Deputy Director
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies

Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
2 Langley Lane
London, SW8 1GB
United Kingdom

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