31 January 2015

SOAS FemSoc: Feminism and Intersectionality with Nina Power, Ella Achola and Susuana Antubam -22 October 2014

via Facebook Timeline of Yuval Diskin

רלבנטי מאוד תמיד ובמיוחד בתקופת בחירות.
לעומת זאת הסתה זה מה שהיה בכיכר ציון כנגד ראש הממשלה יצחק רבין ז"ל, כשראשי הליכוד באותה העת ובראשם בנימין נתניהו נותנים חסות למופע האימים שהתרחש שם, כשהכרזות מעטרות את המרפסת שלהם והם מעודדים את הקהל שצורח בגרון ניחר: "מוות לרבין" ו"רבין בוגד" ועוד... מי שרוצה לראות את ההבדלים שיצפה בסרטון
זו הסתה. נקודה. ההבדלים ברורים.
ובמה שקשור להוצאות הבתים של המשפחה המלכותית בבלפור, בקיסריה וברחוב עזה, צריך מבקר המדינה להציג את הדו"ח שעוכב מסיבות שנראות מאוד תמוהות. כדאי שנזכור כי ראש הממשלה היה מעורב אישית ועמוק במינוי מבקר המדינה יוסף שפירא. גידי וייץ אף כתב על כך ש"נתניהו תמך בבחירתו של השופט המחוזי שפירא לתפקיד מבקר המדינה, ואף ערך לו ראיון קבלה במעונו הרשמי לפני שגייס את סיעת הליכוד לתמוך בו בהתמודדות בכנסת מול שופט בית המשפט העליון לשעבר, אליעזר ריבלין. שני פרקליטים המקורבים לנתניהו פעלו במרץ כדי להבטיח את בחירת שפירא: שמרון ועו"ד יחיאל גוטמן. זמן קצר לאחר שנבחר מינה שפירא את בנו של גוטמן, מתן, לעוזר מנכ"ל משרד המבקר, והוא נחשב כיום לאדם החזק והמשפיע ביותר בסביבת המבקר".
כך שיהיה קשה לטעון שהמבקר רודף את המשפחה המלכותית...
מבקר המדינה יוסף שפירא חייב לפרסם את הדו"ח שהתעכב, הציבור יוכל לקבוע את דעתו על מה שיתפרסם בדו"ח על השימוש בכספים שלו והיועמ"ש לממשלה יוכל להחליט אם יש או אין סיבה לחקירה.
כי זה הכסף של כולנו. זה הכל.
I would argue for a long time that the elections are not elections "not only don't sing" Bibi ". To me at least that the botched election that Netanyahu Government has led us where and how you need to lead the country. It is appropriate to focus on.
However we can't ignore various Likud spokesmen argue all possible communication channel that is inciting against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife Sara and recycle stories about them, etc. Dealing with how the Prime Minister and his wife are using (as alleged waste and consider their own public funds) is not strong, and it's very relevant and especially during elections.
However it was incitement in Zion square against Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin z l, while at the same time my Likud led by Benjamin Netanyahu to sponsor freak show that took place there, as the shachrses decorate their balcony and encourage the audience to scream in my throat hoarse: "death to the traitor Rabin" ו"רבין" etc. If you want to see the differences to watch this http://youtu.be/G0by3OJLuUE video of incitement. Point. The differences are obvious.
And what about the expense of the Royal family at blfor, in Caesarea and Gaza should visit the country to view the report was delayed for reasons that seem very some questionable. We should remember that the Prime Minister was personally involved and in appointing the State Comptroller Joseph Shapira. Gidi Weitz also wrote that ש"נתניהו supported the district judge to become Spira as the State Comptroller, and about his interview with the official residence before the Likud faction to support him in the Knesset against Supreme Court Justice Eliezer Rivlin, former. Two lawyers close to Netanyahu acted vigorously to ensure the selection of Schapiro: shimron and Yehiel Gutman. Shortly after he was appointed to the son of Guttmann, providing, the Assistant General Manager of the visitor, and is currently considered the strongest and most influential around the visitor ".
So that would be hard to argue that the visitor was the Royal family and. ..
The State Comptroller Joseph Shapiro must publish a delayed report, the public will be able to set his mind on what will be published in the report on the use of funds and the legal advisor to the Government will be able to decide whether or not there is cause for investigation.
Because all of our money. That's all.

Ottawa Citizen: Message from the Director of CSIS on the new anti-terror bill | Ottawa Citizen

Message from the Director of CSIS on the new anti-terror bill

Michel Columbe, Head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) welcomes the introduction of legislation to better enable the Government to safeguard the nation's security interests.
The new legislation will help CSIS protect Canadian lives from a terrorist threat unprecedented in our country's history.
The globalization of terrorism has come to pose a real peril not just to Canada but to other western nations. Last fall two terrorist attacks took place in Canada, the first one in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and the second in downtown Ottawa.‎ Since then, the threat has accelerated as extremist groups call for additional attacks on Canada.
Not only have Canadian extremists begun to play a central role in terrorist propaganda but some are assuming leadership roles in terrorist groups. Communications technology allows them to plot attacks, recruit and build networks from anywhere in the world. Detecting and mitigating the threat posed by radicalized Canadians and their global co-conspirators is a tremendous challenge, and Canada's intelligence community requires the tools to meet it.
Three decades ago when the CSIS Act was drafted and the principal threat was espionage, the intelligence community had the luxury of watching targets over a long period of time, perhaps years. A foreign spy's objectives in Canada were typically incremental and predictable. However, today the overriding national security concern is terrorism, and unlike most threats of 30 years ago, these threats can escalate and endanger public safety with little or no warning. The goal of terrorists is not to steal intelligence in the countries they target but to kill people. It is no longer appropriate simply to detect and analyze the threat; there needs to be a capacity to counter it.
CSIS is sensitive to the fact that personal freedom is the cornerstone of a democratic and open society. The Service uses its legislative prerogatives responsibly and only as necessary under our legal mandate. We welcome the judicial oversight, review processes and many other safeguards that have always ensured – and will continue to ensure – that our efforts to protect our fellow citizens are not only consistent with, but will strengthen, Canada's democratic tradition.
– Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Michel Coulombe

30 January 2015

New Bill Proposes Stronger Powers for CSIS, Police:Nine (9) Articles and Two (2) Videos