19 September 2015

Hanna’s House Summer School 2010 (27-29 August)

Source: http://www.hannashouse.ie/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=49

Hanna’s House Summer School 2010

Programme for Hanna’s House Summer School 2010
In collaboration with the Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster

A Feminist Peace: How do we get there?
27-29 August 2010
University of Ulster Belfast Campus, York Street.
Hanna's House mission is to mobilise the collective energy of women to work towards feminist ideals of justice, equality and non-violence.
*The Hanna’s House Peace Project is funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

‘The Wars on Women: Peace Works’ Art Exhibition is funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
Friday 27 August 2010:
6-8.30pm: official opening of the Summer School.
6pm: Hanna’s House Feminist Peace Building Project
Margaret Ward, chair of Hanna’s House, welcomes everybody to the Summer School.
 6.10pm:  Opening address                                                      
By Joanna McMinn, Board director of Hanna’s House.                                                                     
6.45pm: Poetry recital
Ann Zell.
7.00pm: Feminist Art Exhibition: The Wars on Women: Peace Works
Launch by Roisin McDonough, CEO Arts Council.
Champagne reception and music by Yolande Carter and Marion Jordan.

Saturday 28 August 2010 
9.30 registration for a 10am start.

Keynote: Kate FearonWomen, peace and conflict: stories from Afghanistan. (Auditorium)
Tea, coffee & pastries.  Poetry recital by Grainne Tobin.
11.10-12.45Workshop A:
Niamh Reilly and Catherine O’Rourke. On the Consultative Group to the Department of Foreign Affairs regarding the National Action Plan for UNSCR1325.
11.10-12.45Workshop B:
Rob Fairmichael. How violent men can change their ways: what will enable them to move beyond violence whether it is interpersonal or military violence?
11.10-12.45Workshop C:
Mary LodatoHealing through autobiographical writing and imagery- Scriptotherapy.
11.10-12.45Workshop D:
Joanna McMinn, Jennifer McCann, Caral ni Chuilin and Jenny Meegan. Feminism and Prison Education: educating women.
12.45-13.45      Lunch break (sandwiches and fruit). Poetry recital by Eilish Martin  from 12.45-13.00; presentation by Rita Duffy from 13.00 to 13.30; Ruth McCarthy presents E-Zines at 13.30.
13.45-15.15Workshop A:

Bronagh Hinds, Margaret Ward, Laura McMahon, Liz law. Lessons Learnt on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 from a cross-learning visit to Liberia. FULL
Workshop B:
Roberta Bacic. Sewing stories into arpilleras and quilts. Part I of a two-part workshop. (*please see materials required below).
Workshop C:
Breda Gahan. Gender based violence and the feminization of HIV.
Workshop D:
Noirin Clancy. Women into Public Life, cross border initiative between three women’s organizations in Derry/Londonderry, Donegal, and Scotland. FULL
15.15-15.45                  Tea, coffee & biscuits. Poetry recital by Ann Zell.
Afternoon session: 15.45-17.00
15.45-17.00Workshop A:
Cathleen O’Neill, Gillian Gibson and Eleanor Jordan.‘Frontline Feminism’ and the work of women’s centres north and south. FULL
Workshop B:
Roberta Bacic. Sewing stories into arpilleras and quilts. Part II
Workshop C:
Linda Kelly, Emma Rogan and Adelita Monteiro.  What does feminism mean to young women today?
Workshop D:
Micheline Sheehy Skeffington. Hanna and Frank Sheehy Skeffington, and the social justice issues they championed. (Auditorium)
Tea, coffee break.  Poetry recital by Maria McManus

Keynote: Professor Monica McWilliams.  Women and the peace process in the North. (Auditorium)
18.00                   Film screening in the auditorium ‘pray the devil back to hell’ Liberian women’s experience of conflict.
Saturday evening:  8pm: A social event will take place at the Crescent Arts Centre, 2-4 University Road, Belfast. There will be performances by individual musicians, comediennes and singers, followed by a disco. Cost £5.
Sunday 29 August 2010
09.30                   Tea, coffee & pastries.
Keynote: Mary CullenFeminism, Citizenship and Peace in Ireland: today and yesterday.

11.30-12.30Workshop A:
Claire Hackett and Laura McMahon.  International and national perspectives of how truth recovery processes help and hinder women’s access to justice and reconciliation.FULL
Workshop B:
Annie Campbell and Niamh Wilson.  Women, violence and security issues, north and south.
Workshop C:
Goretti Horgan, Sharon Meenan, and Roisin Barton. Anti-war action and the Raytheon case.
Workshop D:
Rola Hamed-O’Neill.  The Palestinian-Israel women’s peace movement.
12.30-13.30Panel discussion

Tea, coffee, juices available.
Ailbhe Smyth, Susan McKay and Finola Meredith.  Using the media to further the feminist cause. (Auditorium)
13.30 Hanna’s House closing comments by Ann Hope.
13.40 Mary Dorcey recites poetry. 
13.50 Deirdre McAliskey sings ‘Bread and Roses’.
14.00 Summer school ends.
The fee for the weekend is €10/£10 (waged) €5/£5 (unwaged). To reserve a place at the Hanna’s House Summer School 2010 please email Shirley Graham at hannashouse@nwci.ielisting the workshops you would like to attend and send a cheque to Hanna’s House, c/o National Women’s Council Ireland, 9 Marlborough Court, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1.  For more information refer to our website: www.hannashouse.net.

*For the workshop on ‘Sewing Stories into Arpilleras and Quilts’ you will need the following materials: Needles, scissors, a small sewing kit, if available some small little objects or personally valuable memory scraps of materials to include a personal touch to the work to be done.

In collaboration with the Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster.

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