21 September 2015

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Israeli diplomat Nelly Shiloh, spoke at the UN’s meeting on The Role of Women in Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism

Israeli diplomat Nelly Shiloh, spoke at the UN’s meeting on The Role of Women in Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism:
“Around the world, women are often the first victims of violence – but they suffer in silence. They are kept on the periphery of the public sphere, and are unable to raise awareness on conflict-related issues concerning them directly.
By empowering women, here today and into the future, the international community will have agents everywhere supporting peace, tolerance and understanding.”
Israel at the UN with Nelly Shiloh
“Around the world, women are often the first victims of violence – but they suffer in silence. They are kept on the periphery of the public sphere, and are unable to raise awareness on conflict-related issues concerning them directly.
By empowering women, here today and into the future, the international community will have agents everywhere supporting peace, tolerance and understanding.”
Israeli diplomat, Nelly Shiloh, spoke at the UN’s meeting on The Role of Women in Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism:
"ברחבי העולם, נשים רבות הופכות לקורבנות המידיים של אלימות, אך הן סובלות בשקט. הן נדחקות לפינה, הרחק מעין הציבור, ולא מסוגלות לעורר מודעות סביב נושאים המשפיעים עליהן ישירות. על ידי העצמתן של נשים אלו, עכשיו ובעתיד, נוכל ליצור שחקניות חיזוק שיוכלו להביא לשלום, סובלנות וקבלה בכל מקום."
הדיפלומטית נלי שילה נאמה בדיון של האו"ם על תרומת הנשים במאבק בטרור ובאלימות:
“Around the world, women are often the first victims of violence – but they suffer in silence. They are kept on the periphery of the public sphere, and are unable to raise awareness on conflict-related issues concerning them directly.
By empowering women, here today and into the future, the international community will have agents everywhere supporting peace, tolerance and understanding.”
Israeli diplomat, Nelly Shiloh, spoke at the UN’s meeting on The Role of Women in Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism:

" around the world, a lot of women become instant message to the victims of violence, but they suffer in silence. They are around the corner, out of the public, and never able to raise awareness around issues most influential them directly. By העצמתן of these women, now and in the future, we can create actresses reinforcement they can get peace, tolerance and acceptance everywhere."
Diplomatic Nelly Sheila spoke in a discussion of the United Nations for donating the women in the fight against terrorism and violence:

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