13 September 2015

Ivan Lewis MP: With regard to my future role at Westminster I will let people know as soon as decisions are made.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ivan.lewis.54/posts/10153177660638358

I am proud to have supported Liz Kendall for the leadership and Caroline Flint for the deputy leadership of the Labour Party. Liz and Caroline were steadfast and courageous in standing up for what they believe in.
However, as a democrat I have to respect the decision of Labour members and supporters who have given their overwhelming support to Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson.
Congratulations to Jeremy and Tom on their victories. Also thanks to Yvette Cooper, Andy Burnham and the deputy leadership candidates for their willingness to engage seriously with members during a long election campaign.
For the record, I have never accused Jeremy Corbyn of anti semitism but have expressed serious concern about his support for people who have engaged in anti Semitic rhetoric. He must address these concerns and anti semitism on the left more generally which was acknowledged as a real problem by Owen Jones recently.
Labour must now focus it's attention on holding the Tories to account and renewing itself so it can be a serious alternative Government.
In answer to some, I will never leave the Labour Party because it is the only credible vehicle for building a just, fairer and more progressive country On a personal level, It has also given me so much.
I do not believe we need to simply resurrect the Labour Party of the New Labour years to deliver political success. However, we do need to understand what the character of our country will be in the 2020s, the challenges and opportunities. Then apply our enduring commitment to social justice and social mobility to those realities.
The gap between the aspirations and values of too many people and the Labour Party risks making us unelectable for a generation. Loyalty and responsibility to those who need a Labour Government the most means a relentless focus on closing that gap.
That must be the shared mission of our new leadership team, Labour MPs, Labour members. supporters
and Trade unionists.
With regard to my future role at Westminster I will let people know as soon as decisions are made.
The current political crisis in Northern Ireland which is the most serious threat to peace and stability for many years should be a priority for the new Labour leadership. Labour has a proud legacy and therefore special responsibility. It is essential we continue to work with the Government on a bi partisan basis and maintain an honest broker, equi distant role between Northern Ireland's political parties and the loyalist and nationalist communities.

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