06 September 2015

Haaretz: Special Report: European Refugee Crisis – News & Analysis

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Special Report: European Refugee Crisis – News & Analysis
After hellish experience, Syrians get heavenly welcome in Austria
New clothing, sleeping bags, cigarettes and even homemade jam – the reception awaiting bedraggled Syrian refugees on the Austrian border was radically different to anything they've experienced in years.
Netanyahu: Israel is too small to absorb Syrian or African refugees
Herzog responds to Netanyahu: You've forgotten what it means to be a Jew.
Israel isn't 'too small' to accept refugees
Just as when Israel took a share of the Vietnamese boat people in 1977, it has the chance in the current crisis to be a light unto nations.
Drowned Syrian boy exposes Israeli hypocrisy
Why are Israelis so moved by the image of a dead Syrian refugee, but oblivious to the plight of a slain Palestinian child?
Can the EU meet this great refugee challenge?
Like today's Syrian and Lybian refugees, Jews fleeing WW2 Europe on boats were intercepted and sometimes fired on.
The real people behind the refugee headlines
When reports surfaced recently of an abandoned truck being found in Austria, with dozens of deceased refugees in the back, I was reminded of my young Afghani-German friends. These are their stories.
Arazei Habira in Jerusalem — the state-of-the-art
Walk a few steps to the remains of our Temple, enjoy being close to the Light Rail...
Germany, light unto the nations
It's lucky for the tormented Syrians knocking on Germany's door that there is no German interior minister like Israel's Silvan Shalom.
There's no stopping a mass migration
What is happening in Europe now is similar to the large migration waves that occurred between the 4th and 11th centuries and reshaped the continent.
Europeans interested in Israeli border barriers
Hungary, Bulgaria make inquiries to Israel about the design of its border barriers with Egypt.
Drowned Syrian boys laid to rest in their hometown
Drowned Syrian family laid to rest in the hometown they fled.

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