03 September 2015

Muslim Women's Network UK: Get Up to Date: MWNUK Newsletter August 2015

Source: mass emailing



Dear MWNUK Supporter,

Hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter.


MWNUK Funding News

  • MWNUK are pleased to announce that we have been successful at obtaining funding from the FCO Forced Marriage Unit (Domestic Programme Fund). We have been awarded £15000 to continue with awareness raising of forced marriage and honour based violence.  We will announce more details soon. 

MWNUK Are Recruiting

MWNUK are currently recruiting for a part-time Operations and Communications Administrator. The deadline is Friday 18th September 2015 at midday. 

Are you an experienced Administrator with demonstrable knowledge and experience of analysing and presenting data in innovative digital ways, e.g. infographics? 
  • Salary: £16 231 pro rata
  • Hours: 14 hours a week
  • Contract: Fixed term contract ending March 2016 (with possibility of extension for further 12 months)
  • Location: Birmingham
  • Reports to: Executive Director
  • Category: Admininstration , Communications
  • Job Reference : OC Administrator
  • Deadline: 18/9/2015
Purpose of the role:
The overall purpose of this role is to support the MWNUK Team with a variety of administrative tasks. To analyse data from our member database and the MWN Helpline call database. And to create and edit digital materials including reports, tables, graphs, and infographics. 

For the full job description, person specification and application process please click here.

If you have any questions, please email faeeza@mwnuk.co.uk

MWNUK Meet Home
Secretary Therea May MP 

On the 25th August, Chair Shaista Gohir and Executive Director Faeeza Vaid met Home Secretary Theresa May MP, and discussed the work being done by MWNUK at the "Building a Stronger Britain" event in Birmingham. Photographs from the event will be available on our website.

MWNUK at Government Roundtable on Gendered Online Abuse

On the 21st August MWNUK Chair Shaista Gohir attended a government roundtable meeting to discuss gendered online abuse to inform government future strategic direction. It was hosted by the Government Equalities Office.  Some of the other attendees included representatives from the Revenge Porn Helpline, Women's Aid, LGBT consortium, Safer Internet Centre, National Stalking Helpline, Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre and EVAW. Suggestions put forward by MWNUK included heavier sentencing for revenge porn offences that put women and girls at risk of honour based abuse, better use of harassment notices by police for online abuse, and making available online courses for women and girls on online / privacy / safety protection.

Photographs from the day will be available on the gallery section of our website.

MWNUK in the Media

  • On 30th August MWNUK Chair Shaista Gohir was interviewed by BBC Radio 5 live and BBC breakfast (TV) News about the mother from Waltham Forest who is believed to be travelling to Syria with her four children.


MWNUK Host Private
Film Screening

MWNUK are pleased to host the private film screening of:
- the first UK film to address issues of Islamophobia and hate, produced by Arakan Creative, set in Bradford and starring Aqib Khan of 'West is West'.

Date: Sunday 13th September 2015
Time: 2.30pm- 5.30pm
Venue: The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Birmingham, B6 4UU

See the film trailer here.

To reserve a seat please follow the Eventbrite link here.
The film's duration is 95 mins, after which we request you complete a short feedback form and then we commence with a 20-minute Q&A with the film's Director.


Haleemah Patel

16 year old Haleemah Patel was a panel speaker at MWNUK's Event on Islamophobia and Discrimination on the 31st July 2015. A passionate and articulate individual who is concerned that hate crimes often go unchallenged, Haleemah is encouraging people who witness abuse to speak out against it, as part of the 'Fixers' Project. You can watch her story here.

She is also a 'Young Advisor' in Leicester and works on behalf of organisations to help them improve their services, train staff and deliver projects to young people across the Leicester City area. 


  • Sex Offences on Trains and Stations Reach Record Levels
The British Transport Police recorded 1,399 sexual offences between 2014-15 in England, Scotland and Wales - up 282 on the previous year. MWNUK urges you to report any similar incidences and to remain vigilant when travelling on public transport. Read more here
Attacks on Muslims- Below are 3 examples of Muslims attacked this month due to their race or religion. MWNUK urges anyone with similar experiences to report it to the Police- or to us HERE
  • 81 Year Old Muslim Man Attacked
An 81 year old man was attacked on his way to 'Fajr' prayer in Rotherham. Read more here
  • Muslim Male Nurse Attacked 
A 37 year old male nurse was attacked while shopping with his wife in Stockport. Read more here.  
  • Woman Hurt in Racially Aggravated Attack
A 19 year old woman was put in a headlock, spat at and told to leave the country during a racially-aggravated attack in a High Wycombe supermarket car park. Read more here.

Keep in Touch!

Thanks for reading our latest newsletter. MWNUK would love to hear about and feature the things that are important to you.
Please do contact faeeza@mwnuk.co.uk 

In This Newsletter

MWNUK Funding News
MWNUK Are Recruiting
MWNUK Meet Home Secretary Theresa May MP
MWNUK at Government Roundtable on Gendered Online Abuse

MWNUK in the Media

MWNUK Host Private Film Screening

Haleemah Patel

Sex Offences On Trains and Stations Reach Record Levels
81 Year Old Muslim Man Attacked
Muslim Male Nurse Attacked
Woman Hurt in Racially Aggravated Attack

To donate £5 text the following code NISA04 £5 to 70070

Contact Us

54-57 Allison Street
B5 5TH

T: 0121 236 9000
E: contact@mwnuk.co.uk
W: www.mwnuk.co.uk

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Muslim Women's Network UK · The Warehouse · 54-57 Allison Street, Digbeth · Birmingham, B5 5TH · United Kingdom

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