04 September 2015

Birmingham Mail: Shocking toll of 'honour' crimes in West Midlands revealed

Source:  http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/shocking-toll-honour-crimes-west-9620407

Shocking toll of 'honour' crimes in West Midlands revealed

More than 1,200 cases, including false imprisonment and murder

The scene of a fatal house fire in Cateswell Road, Springfield, which left one person dead and five injured.
The scene of a fatal house fire in Cateswell Road, Springfield, which left one person dead and five injured.

West Midlands Police have dealt with the second highest number of so-called honour based crimes in the UK, according to new figures.
The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation, which obtained the data from FOI requests, has now called for a national strategy for police, the courts and schools to tackle the problem.
Across the UK there were more than 11,000 cases of honour crimes, which included abductions, false imprisonment and murder, according to the support group.
The crimes, which also included forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM), were recorded between 2010 and 2014.
The Metropolitan Police recorded the highest number of incidents, followed by West Midlands Police with 1,269 and Bedfordshire Police with 1,106.
Commander Mak Chishty, head of police policy on the issue, said there was now a better understanding of the problem.
Diana Nammi, director of the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation, which provides support to Middle Eastern women living in the UK facing honour violence, said the issue was “not going away”.
She warned that many offences may not be reported as perpetrators are often close the victims, or because victims did not feel confident in police.
She added: “Unfortunately they [the figures] do not show the real extent of the problem. So many crimes are unreported because the perpetrators are often the victim’s own family.
“We need a national strategy for all agencies including police forces, courts, and schools to be trained and to work together to end this problem.”
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) is carrying out its first review into police handling of these crimes this summer, saying the issue remains “largely under the radar of most agencies, including the police”.
Commander Chishty said: “There have been huge failings and we are sorry about those cases.”
“I think we’re in a better place because of our training given to all officers – our understanding is better. Honour-based violence is no longer a fringe issue.
“I think if we work hard enough at it together, we can start to eradicate this,” he added.
Case Study
A man who murdered his wife and injured his three daughters when he set fire to his house in an “honour” crime was jailed for at least 22 years in 2013.
Mohammed Riaz Inayat, 58, deliberately set fire to his house in Sparkhill, in the early hours of April 17, 2013, to stop his daughter from flying to Dubai to marry her boyfriend as he believed it would bring dishonour to the family.
While his wife Naika, three daughters and a family friend slept upstairs, the defendant used petrol as an accelerant both upstairs and downstairs in his home.
The three daughters and a family friend jumped from the first floor bedroom windows, resulting in them suffering broken bones.
When the fire service arrived they entered the house and the found the body of the Inayat’s wife in one of the upstairs bedrooms. She had died as a result of smoke inhalation.
He was found guilty of murder and arson, but was cleared of the attempted murder of his daughters.
Banaz Mahmod is another victim of honour violence who was strangled with a shoelace by her father and uncle in 2006 after walking out of a violent arranged marriage and falling in love with another man.
Prosecutors told the court that her ordeal lasted two hours and she was subjected to rape and was stamped on before being strangled.
The 20-year-old Iraqi Kurd, from south London, disappeared in the January of 2006 and her body was found buried in a suitcase in a garden in Birmingham three months later.
A plot was hatched between her father Mahmod Mahmod and uncle, Ari Mahmod, both of whom were later convicted of her murder and jailed for life in 2007.

He and two other cousins, Mohammed Ali, and Omar Hussain - who were jailed in 2010 after being extradited from Iraq – later travelled to Birmingham in Amin’s black Lexus to help get rid of her body.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) later criticised failings in the handling of Banaz Mahmod’s complaints against her family.
Bot West Midlands Police and the Metropolitan Police were criticised for failings in the handling of complaints against her family
Banaz asked police for help four times, even giving officers a list of men she thought would harm her, but was not taken seriously.

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