15 December 2014

Twitter Search on #illridewithyou

Source: Twitter Search on #illridewithyou

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  1. I don't care what your gender, your age, or what your religion is, everyone should be treated equally, were all humanbeings #illridewithyou
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  2. We're all in this together, if you need it #illridewithyou I can't promise great conversation, but I can promise a smile and respect.
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  3. Anyone who needs a buddy travelling from Camperdown to the City tomorrow holla at ya boy #illridewithyou http://youtu.be/RtSDWq6HsJE 
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  4. I welcome all nationalities and cultures. Muslim Australians make our country a richer place and this is your home too. #illridewithyou
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  5. So proud to be amongst a community that cares about each other #illridewithyou
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  6.  Calvin Helin and 2 others follow
    #illridewithyou had to tweet my support for this idea & action for peace.
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  7. A little bit of faith in humanity has been restored. So proud to be Australian. We are all mates no matter what religion. #illridewithyou
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  8. So very proud of the entire Australian community today!!! Brothers nd sisters..u hv set an example for the world to follow! #illridewithyou
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  9.  Adam Bandt follows
    So #illridewithyou if you are a totally hot, hung Muslim
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  10. My thoughts with all those in Sydney and sending all my love to the victims. #illridewithyou ❤️
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  11. Someone had a seizure on a bus- I was only one to stop the driver, phone ambulance, etc. That lazy attitude better change #IllRideWithYou
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  12. Pretty much proves most Americans are just bad, ignorant people #illridewithyou
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    1. "@authenticlucas: this is the most beautiful thing I have read all night #illridewithyou "

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  13. Proud to be an Aussie today. This is what makes our country great #illridewithyou
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    1. Reports that it mightn't work should not stop you from showing support. #illridewithyou is IMPORTANT and VALUABLE. 💞

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  14. I'll be on the Glen Waverley line tomorrow 9.20am wearing @JoshuaDtown's tshirt "Be Nice To People" - come see me! ❤️ #illridewithyou
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  15. Saddened by what is happening in Sydney. However the whole #illridewithyou thing is awesome.
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  16. Just found a facebook page for this awesome show of support for the muslim community, Like It #Illridewithyou https://www.facebook.com/pages/Illridewithyou/735198676563873?sk=timeline 
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  17. #illridewithyou sums up the spirit of the Sydney and Sydneysiders I know and love.
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  18. What's happening right now is terrible. As Australians and a nation, we must unite. We must love & respect & have peace. #illridewithyou
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  19.  Alastair Sloan and 1 other follow
    Proud of the reaction of the people of #Sydney today. Shows a real Ozzy spirit #illridewithyou
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  20.  Adam Bandt follows
    There are times I despair at the intolerance in our country... but this gives me goosebumps #illridewithyou 😊
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  21.  Tony Abbott follows
    Love the powerful positive message & reach of #IllRideWithYou - I'm in Sydney on public transport Wednesday & Thursday & #IllRideWithYou
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  22. I have much respect for the Australian public today - #illridewithyou is an inspiring reaction to a horrifying event.
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  23. As a global citizen #illridewithyou makes me incredibly proud of the Australians standing together in unity.
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  24. #illridewithyou because we all have the right to be treated as humans should be treated no matter who you are/what you believe in
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  25. #illridewithyou Just tell me where. Proud of Australians for their support to the Muslim community. That's how we'll live better together.
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  26. The goodwill of Australians is breaking the internet. #illridewithyou
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  27. Town Hall to Glebe 5 days a week, sydney to the gong on occasional weekends #illridewithyou
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  29. #IllRideWithYou: Sydney Stands Up To Racism And Bigotry With One Beautiful Hashtag - http://tinyurl.com/ma6xdg3 
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  30. #illridewithyou always. Sandringham or Hurstbridge line, 8 am.
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  31. Hey, you wanna ride together? I'll save you a seat. #illridewithyou
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  32. What a wonderful initiative #illridewithyou is. We can only heal this world with peace, understanding, tolerance and LOVE. Kudos AUS.
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  33. #illridewithyou. The darker sides of humanity always inspire the lighter sides to shine ever brighter. #fb
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  34. The #illridewithyou sentiment is restoring my faith in humanity.
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  35. "@sirtessa: Maybe start a hashtag? What's in #illridewithyou?" Where it all began, what a wonderful initiative #illridewithyou
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  36. This. The beauty of social media. Australians standing up against bigotry with #Illridewithyou http://ow.ly/FTzuT 
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  37. A movement that makes me proud to be an Australian. Freedom not fear. #illridewithyou
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    1.  Calvin Helin follows
      A religion should not make you a target, but to some small minds, it does. For those feeling fear, #illridewithyou

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  38.  Adam Bandt follows
    anyone else unlucky enough to do the newtown/redfern commute to oatlands each day #illridewithyou (train to parra, M54 bus) pm me for times
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  39.  Calvin Helin follows
    For every person who has been villified for being who they are, for every person who has been made to feel unsafe, #illridewithyou
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  40. I'll sure as hell ride with all y'all. #IllRideWithYou http://fb.me/1JckCCNa8 
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  41. Amazing reaction from the Aussie public in regards to the Sydney Hostage situation. Defeat hate with love and compassion #illridewithyou
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  42. Even semi-racist people I know are using #illridewithyou - interesting movement & such a great gesture (suspect not all would front up tho).
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  43. Haven't lived there in years but Sydney is my hometown... #illridewithyou warms my heart, restores faith, etc. Social media at its best.
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    1.  CBC D-Day Live and 25 others follow
      #illridewithyou Australians offer to ride home with Muslim neighbours after fear of backlash... http://mirr.im/1Gok8jB 
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  44. Doesn't matter where you are from, what faith you believe in or whatever pigment your skin is #illridewithyou
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  45. Has @TarekFatah condemned the #illridewithyou hashtag yet?
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  46. this is the most beautiful thing ever. I don't want to be apart of a racist generation. #illridewithyou
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  47.  AboriginalMusicWeek and 1 other follow
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  48. 🙌💕I am so proud to be an Australian!! We are strong.. We are one.. #illridewithyou #supporthumanity
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  49.  Mike Hudema follows
    RT @benpobjie: I don't want #illridewithyou to be a moment of activism: I want it to be a way of life; everywhere, we ride with each other.
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  50. Being an Australian born Muslim and having had my share of verbal abuse on public transport this hashtag means the world #illridewithyou
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  51. ReTw Ianessa: I don't use public transport but this is beautiful and needs to be shared far & wide #illridewithyou http://fb.me/1pDft9orA 
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  52. @zaynallah "criminal. But I'm still kind of happy with their #illridewithyou movement. Don't see this type of thing often coming from whites
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  53.  Tony Abbott follows
    I'm frightened for our hostages tonight. But I'm proud for our country. #illridewithyou
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  54. Tomorrow I'll be on public transport. #IllRideWithYou https://lnkd.in/bSvNjZv 
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  55. #illridewithyou !!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️this is the one of the most beautiful things to come out of social media!
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  56. So proud to be an Australian. #illridewithyou
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  57.  Adam Bandt and 1 other follow
    Hi @sirtessa congrats on #illridewithyou - could you follow me please so I can message you?
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  58. Provided I can fit in the carriage, I will ride with you. #illridewithyou
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  59. Town Hall to Flemington, just after 8am. #illridewithyou and we can have a right good chat too. #sydney
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  60. RT @mrbenjaminlaw: And just like that, #illridewithyou is the top trending tweet worldwide. Go 'Straya.
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  61. After a day of hate, a perfect response of love has emerged. #illridewithyou
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  62. some people trash our generation, yet we are more accepting than any other. look what we've started #illridewithyou
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  63. We need to all stick together and make this world a safer, better and happier place to live in #illridewithyou
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    1. Australians Offer To Travel With People In Religious Attire By Tweeting #IllRideWithYou http://www.buzzfeed.com/alanwhite/australians-offer-to-ride-to-work-with-people-in-religious-a  Faith in humanity restored.
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  64. Lets all just hire a massive car or something and carpool to work #illridewithyou
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  65. No matter what race or religion you are. #illridewithyou
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  66. Lets extend this beyond Sydney.....#illridewithyou
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  67. If anyone dares hassle anyone of any race or religion in front of me, you'll have to go through me first. #illridewithyou
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  68. Faith in humanity: Restored. #IllRideWithYou
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  69.  BBC Newsbeat follows
    Having all the feels at #illridewithyou
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  71. So proud of you, Sydney. This is what being Australian is all about. #IllRideWithYou http://instagram.com/p/woAfbEDF35/ 
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  72.  Alastair Sloan and 1 other follow
    I hope #illridewithyou translates to the polling booth so we see bigotted parties that promote bigotry & hate kicked out of govt #Sydney
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  73. horrified at some people's response to this. let's not hate a religion but the gunmen. #illridewithyou
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  74. #illridewithyou what a fantastic hashtag, just goes to show not everyone's deluded btw no non-mahram though..
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  75. 10 years ago, I served in Iraq & met many Muslim locals. The crime unfolding in Sydney is not at all Islam. It's thuggery! #illridewithyou
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  76. I drive to work and it's a very short drive but the sentiment behind #illridewithyou is tip top. Just lovely.
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  77. Looking at #Sydneyseige and how it's handled by @mikebairdMP, govt, @nswpolice and public with #illridewithyou Proud to be aussie
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  78. Ugh, brainfart. Its the 525 and 526 not 425/426. I catch these from Newington to Strathfield in the evening around 7ish #illridewithyou
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  79. Reaching out to hostages and the innocent and good part of the Muslim community (by far the biggest part) #illridewithyou
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  80. "@GavinDFernando: #IllRideWithYou shows you shouldn't be scared to be Muslim. You should be scared to be racist." thank you
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  81. As an Australian Muslim, it really pleases me to see the support the rest of the country is providing. We're not all bad :) #illridewithyou
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  82. #illridewithyou Everyone, any race religion or creed, except @RitaPanahi because you are beyond an abysmal human that I just can't tolerate
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  83. Sydney is one of my favourite places in the world.I always felt welcome there. #illridewithyou reassures me of how wonderful people is there
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  84.  Tony Abbott follows
    Has Helen Razer written off #illridewithyou as a bourgeois stunt yet?
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  85. People shouldn't be saying #illridewithyou because of this. People should have been saying every day to prevent incidents like this.
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  86.  Alastair Sloan follows
    In difficult times, it's heartwarming to see the humanity shining through. That's how you defeat terrorism. Bravo, Sydney. #illridewithyou
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  87. #illridewithyou great idea! Thoughts are with the hostages and family members in this dark day for Sydney
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