05 December 2014

I Have Just Been Reminded of My Interactions With White Members of the Met in London, England

The Met over the years has had less than smooth relationships with some communities in London, England.

In the past (and perhaps still now) some have felt that the Met was not held to the appropriate levels of accountability.

I had the experience of experiencing the Met overwhelmingly as not only positive but protective.

In London, England my attractiveness was skewed and I was deemed quite fetching due to the American factor.  For a time I was harassed horribly on a daily basis by White, British men.  I used to double dress, as even I as a feminist believed that if I put on enough clothes they would leave me alone.  Of course they did not.  The harassment became so unbearable that it began to hamper my activities.  And once I spent an entire day in my flat afraid to venture out.

It was White, Male, members of the Met in my community who took it upon themselves to step in and stop the problem.  They did...full stop.

To this day I still feel the Metropolitan Police of London, England are approachable.

I am working on moving to Canada to do some academic research that will touch on the realm of the RCMP and CSIS.   On one of my early visits to Canada I was told about some of the challenges the RCMP has had with some communities in Canada.  I have met men working in counter-terrorism in Canada.  I have met Canadians employed in other aspects of Canada's security apparatus.  They have been respectful meetings.  And as in London, England with the Metropolitan Police they were not always meetings of similar minds, but again they where in a space of respect.

I look forward to moving to Canada.  And where appropriate I will share on this page my studies and works in Canada.

- Debra V. Wilson

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