15 December 2014

Muslim Women's Network UK: Get Up to Date: MWNUK Newsletter November 2014

Source: mass emailing



Dear MWNUK Supporter,

Hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter:


MWNUK Announce
Future HBV Project

MWNUK are pleased to announce that we have been awarded £14, 910 to deliver a project on honour based violence prevention in Nottingham, Bradford, Rotherham and Manchester. We were one of 17 frontline community projects that will receive a share of £270,000 to help end female genital mutilation (FGM) and ‘honour’ based violence. Read more here.

MWNUK's Getting Ready
to Launch Helpline

Ahead of MWNUK launching it's dedicated part-time helpline in January, the MWNUK Team have been working tirelessly on recruiting volunteers, finalising policies and procedures, developing a new website and training volunteers. Training has been delivered by the Samaritans and by MWNUK staff. 

MWNUK in the Media


  • On the 17th November Executive Director Faeeza Vaid spoke about the issues of Child Sexual Exploitation, groomingabuse and societal misogyny on BBC Midlands Today.
  • On the 24th November, Faeeza also spoke on BBC World News about Child Sexual Exploitation and the grooming of Asian and Muslim girls. 

National Consultation

On the 10 November 2014 Executive Director Faeeza Vaid spoke on a panel discussion hosted by the Government Equalities Office, as part of their pre-CSW National Consultation with women. In 1995, at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, 189 governments including the UK pledged their commitment to improve the lives of women and girls by signing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. As we approach the twentieth anniversary of the Declaration, the Government Equalities Office wanted to hear what progress is being made by the government to improve the lives of women and girls in the UK. And what future priorities the government should focus on. Fellow panelists included Minister for Women Jo Swinson MP

You can add your voice to this important initiative by completing this short survey. The survey is open to all. 

MWNUK Awareness
Raising Workshops

As part of MWNUK's ongoing awareness raising on issues affecting Muslim women, MWNUK have delivered a number of workshops in partnership with Small Heath Community Forum in Birmingham. Topics includes domestic violence, forced marriage, honour based violence, child sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse in the family environment.   These are being delivered to women's groups, colleges and schools etc.

A workshop was also delivered to black cab taxi drivers in Birmingham on the issue of CSE and grooming, and how taxi drivers can play a part in tackling the issue.

Awareness Raising

  • Since launching the report Unheard Voices: Sexual Exploitation of Asian Girls and Young Women, MWNUK has been raising awareness of key findings. On the 6th November, MWNUK partnered with Apna Haq in Rotherham to host a CSE awareness raising event.
  • On 12th November, Executive Director Faeeza Vaid spoke on a panel discussion on CSE at an event hosted by Khalid Mahmood MP.

MWNUK and 16
Days of Activism

This year’s 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG) campaign theme this year is: “From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Let’s Challenge Militarism and End Violence against Women!” highlighting the intersections of gender-based violence and militarism, as well as the related issues of economic and social rights experienced by women and their communities.

MWNUK took part in a variety of events related to (VAWG):
1711/2014, Whitehall, London
Interfaith Week: DFID and Tearfund Round-table discussion on the Role of Faith Communities in Tackling Violence against Women and Girls, local national and Global contexts.

20/11/14, Coventry
The role of Faith Leaders and Faith communities in tackling Violence against Women and Girls, in the UK context.

23/11/2014, Birmingham
MEND Conference, ‘Survivor Stories’ of women who have faced 'Islamaphobia’.

25/11/2014, University of Bath
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - Gender Based Abuse ‘What Can I do?
29/11/2014, Southampton
Reclaim the Night- Southampton. See more here.


Shamim Razaq

MWNUK member Shamim Razaq recently published two books titled The Lotus Flower (a poetry collection) and Genetic Makeup (short stories collection). She is also a mother to four children, a private tutor, and has a great passion for education. For more information see here.


British Muslims Face
Worst Job Discrimination

Muslims are facing the worst job discrimination of any minority group in Britain. Muslim men were up to 76 per cent less likely to have a job of any kind compared to white, male British Christians of the same age and with the same qualifications. And Muslim women were up to 65 per cent less likely to be employed than white Christian counterparts. Read more here.

Emotional and Financial
Abuse to be Criminalised

The Government is preparing to introduce an amendment to the Serious Crime Bill which will criminalise behaviours like financial and emotional manipulation and cutting off access to communication or transport, and aims to make it easier for police to investigate and prosecute perpetrators. Read more here.

Woman on Terrorism
Charge Following Tweets

Following a number of tweets, Alaa Abdullah Esayed, 22, of south London, was charged with two offences under the Terrorism Act - encouraging terrorism, and the dissemination of terrorist publications and released on bail. Read more here.

Muslim Girl Victim
of Grooming 

A teenage Muslim girl has told the BBC how she was groomed and then sexually abused by gangs of men in Yorkshire. Read more here.

Slavery on the Rise

The number of people trafficked for slavery or other exploitation in the UK has risen sharply to more than 2,700, the National Crime Agency (NCA) says. Read more here.


Launch of Multi-faith Safeguarding Hub

On Wednesday 20 November 2014, the Safe Network launched its online multi-faith safeguarding hub, providing resources and faith perspectives on safeguarding. The launch took place at the St Philip's Inter faith Centre, in central Leicester and was attended by around 40 people from different faith communities, the voluntary sector and Local safeguarding children boards. Links to MWNUK's resources are included on the website.


Girls' Network
Need Mentors

The Girls’ Network is an award winning charity that matches girls from low socio-economic backgrounds with inspirational female mentors from all walks of life. They are looking for women who have some experience of the work place and have time to commit to a teenage girl from a low-income background. You do not have to be the owner of a multi-million pound company, just willing to share your experiences and connections with a girl who may have no one else to share these things with her.

If you think you can inspire young girls and would like to become a mentor then please contact mentoring@thegirlsnetwork.org.uk to find out more.


MWNUK's commitment to furthering the plights of Muslim women in the UK is met with the ongoing challenge of funding our initiatives. We really need your financial support in bringing about justice for Muslim women in the UK. As a registered charity, number 1155092) you can donate here. You can donate via text. To donate £5 text the following code NISA04 £5  to  70070

In This Newsletter

MWNUK Announce Future HBV Project
MWNUK's Getting Ready to Launch Helpline
MWNUK in the Media
MWNUK at Pre-CSW National Consultation
MWNUK Awareness Raising Workshops
MWNUK CSE Awareness Raising Events
MWNUK and 16 Days of Activism

Shamim Razaq- Author


British Muslims Face Worst Job Discrimination
Emotional and Financial Abuse to be Criminalised
Woman on Terrorism Charge Following Tweets
Muslim Girl Victim of Grooming
Slavery on the Rise

Launch of Multi-faith Safeguarding Hub

Girls' Network Need Mentors

To donate £5 text the following code NISA04 £5 to 70070

Contact Us

54-57 Allison Street
B5 5TH

T: 0121 236 9000
E: contact@mwnuk.co.uk
W: www.mwnuk.co.uk

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