19 November 2014

On Saturday, 15 November 2014 in Toronto I attended Citizen Summit 2014: Women & Armed Conflict

I am continuing to learn how Canada self identifies and how she views herself in relation to the World.

I am continuing to learn how Canada and her people connect to the World.

Interestingly enough Brits regardless of the still powerful (determining) factor of class collectively all seem to have some awareness of the World and Her people.  And then they connect in some way; if only as global tourists or consumers of some global news, entertainment or food.    

The summit was quite edifying and produced a myriad of networking opportunities. 
For me it gave me another glimpse into the nation that is Canada as a whole and the pieces that She is made of.

The First Nations communities in all their glorious diversity, I have so much more to learn.  But at least now I am aware.

I am learning how First Nations communities view themselves.  And then I am learning how First Nations in plurality view their connections (or lack thereof) to the nation that is Canada.

The event was hosted by the Mosaic Institute out of Toronto.

Please see the links below for a pictorial recap of the summit and information on the Mosaic Institute.

The Mosaic Institute on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themosaicinstitute

Citizen Summit 2014: Women & Armed Conflict: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152390866340936.1073741828.249780970935&type=1

The Mosaic Institute Website: http://www.mosaicinstitute.ca/

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