19 November 2014

Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses: IDSA Updates

Source: mass emailing

Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)
IDSA Updates

Modi's Mission Downunder

Ashutosh Misra
India-Australia relation is entering a new orbit and setting a path of strategic convergence. But there are equally other significant issues of cooperation that can bolster Modi's vision for inclusive development and better governance including Australia's successes at preserving its ecosystem, water resources distribution and renewable energy.

Modi's Australia visit: Maritime Cooperation in Focus

Abhijit Singh
The government's 'Act East Policy' needs to legitimise the 'Indo-Pacific' concept. Interestingly, only a few months after the release of the 2013 White Paper, Australia released a Country Strategy Document on India which identified the Indian Navy as possessing the most potential for a close maritime partnership

Threat of Islamic terror looms large over Assam

Rupak Bhattacharjee
The jihadi elements in Assam are making their presence very visible. Measures have been initiated to counter the menace of Islamic terror especially along the India-Bangladesh and inter-state borders following intelligence inputs indicating JMB's plan to spread tentacles in the state.

ISIS on backfoot: Coalition gets al-Baghdadi

Sandhya Jain
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's death will be a serious setback to Daesh as it is different from Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups that did not proclaim a 'caliphate'. As the history of Islam shows, the proclamation of a new 'caliph' can be problematic.

Things that Modi should do in Myanmar

P. Stobdan
The Prime Minister must reach out to Myanmar in unconventional ways and remove any antipathy among the people who once, like other neighbours, had began to perceive India as a big military threat.

Fall of the Berlin Wall: Marking 25 years

Gulshan Sachdeva
The fall of the wall also coincided with the collapse of the USSR and end of the Cold War. Theoverall changes since 1989 have been largely a remarkable success with the majority of citizens in the former socialist countries not wanting to go back to the earlier economic and political system.
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50th Foundation Day Address on 'Contribution of India's Space Programme in Nation Building'

Dr K Radhakrishnan, Chairman, ISRO

8th SOUTH ASIA DIALOGUE: The Role of Media in Promoting Regional Understanding in South Asia October 28-29, 2014


Insight Southeast Asia: Volume 3 Number 5, September-October 2014

Insight Southeast Asia is the bimonthly newsletter of the Southeast Asia & Oceania Centre, IDSA. It comprises special sections such as Country Profile, Commentary, Book Review, Photo-Essay and News Track. News Track includes important and referenced news summary pertaining to the eleven Southeast Asian countries and Oceania (including New Zealand and Australia).

Job: Advertisement for the Position of Research Fellow and Associate Fellow


Talk by Amb. Virendra Gupta on India-Africa Relations


FELLOWS' SEMINAR - Active Cyber Defence: An Analysis

Speaker: Cherian Samuel
November 21, 2014

48th Annual General Body Meeting

November 22, 2014
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