27 November 2014

FOCUS - Counter-terrorism, RUSI Journal, CDS Lecture 2014, Iran Nuclear Programme

Source: mass emailing  (partial cut & paste of original emailing for the news letter in its entirety please see the link below) 

In this issue: Counter-terrorism, RUSI Journal, CDS Lecture 2014
Can't view? https://my.rusi.org/newsletter/november-2014
Royal United Services Institute
November 2014 Issue 60 

 Home Secretary Theresa May at RUSI

On 24 November Home Secretary Theresa May MP took to the RUSI podium to announce new measures on counter-terrorism.

To read or watch the speech click here  > 
Christmas Offer
RUSI Journal November 2014
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Latest Publications
RUSI Journal November 2014
RUSI Journal
The latest edition of the RUSI Journal examines lone-actors terrorism, cyber warfare and Chinese power.

To read the Journal, click here

RUSI Newsbrief
Latest issue focuses on European Security and includes analysis on Turkey, Al-Shabaab and South Sudan.

Other Publications

Briefing Paper:
Making the Whole Force Concept a Reality

For more information:
Chief of the Defence Staff Lecture

General Sir Nicholas Houghton, UK Chief of the Defence Staff, will deliver the annual CDS Lecture 2014 at RUSI. The lecture is now fully booked but will be streamed online.

To watch the lecture, click here >
Towards SDSR 2015
Westminster medal
Next year, the UK will conduct another review of its defence and security strategy. RUSI aims to inform the discussion through debate and policy relevant research.

Listen to previous sessions: Is The Adaptable Posture Still Fit For Purpose?
Implications of Geopolitical trends for the UK - The Middle East 
More information and forthcoming events
Latest Analysis
Iran Nuclear Programme Negotiations 

Video Analysis: Did the talks fail?
More background analysis: www.rusi.org/iran

Western Operations Against ISIS: Holding Back in Syria

Will the UN Review Fix Peacekeeping?

For further analysis:
An Evening of Great War Music
RUSI launched its partnership with the Hallé with a special performance.

To watch the concert please click here  >
Recent Speakers at RUSI

On 20 November, Dr. Greg Austin of the EastWest Institute spoke at RUSI on China and Cyber Security.

To watch the lecture, please click here

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Forthcoming Events

Stabilisation through Conservation: Introducing a Grounded Alternative for Real World Problems
01 Dec

U35 Forum Event: Breaking The Habits Of Thinking
09 Dec

Annual Chief of the Defence Staff Lecture and RUSI Christmas Party
17 Dec

Alan Rusbridger on the 21st Century Surveillance State: Implications of the Snowden Revelations
19 Jan

Full list of events>
Major Conferences
Strategic Hub on Organised Crime Launch Conference
08 Dec

UK-Japan Strategic Dialogue: Co-operation in New Security Challenges
11-12 Jan
More about RUSI Major Conferences
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RUSI is an independent think tank engaged in cutting edge defence and security research.

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Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies 
Whitehall, London, SW1A 2ET, United Kingdom
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