22 April 2014

The Perception & Reality of "Imported Conflict" in Canada - Join us for a FREE dialogue with John Monahan, the Executive Director of the Mosaic Institute - 24th April 2014 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm in Vancouver

Link to the survey: https://websurvey.sfu.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WebSurvey.woa/wa/survey?170974699

The Perception & Reality of "Imported Conflict" in Canada

Join us for a FREE dialogue with John Monahan, the Executive Director of the Mosaic Institute
Do immigrants who have left behind violent conflict when they came to Canada “import” those same disputes with them? How do new Canadians' past experiences and memories of violent conflict affect their ability to attach to other Canadians, including those who at one time might have been their committed adversaries? Does our diversity actually risk undermining our ability to achieve meaningful social cohesion and perhaps even threaten our national security, or does living in Canada somehow transform our relationship to overseas conflict? Join us to hear the answers to these questions and more ...

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