29 April 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: Fact Sheet: Israeli Violations During the Nine Months Negotiations Process

Source: mass emailing

Fact Sheet: Israeli Violations During the Nine Months Negotiations Process
On July 30th 2013, Israel and Palestine agreed to enter a negotiations process of nine months in order to achieve a final status agreement. With the active sponsorship of the United States and encouragement from the rest of the international community, all final status issues were supposed to be discussed, in order to achieve a two-state solution on the 1967 border. However, rather than achieving a final status agreement, Israeli occupation and colonization policies were increased, advancing settlement units for over 55,000 new settlers during the past Nine Months.

In open violation of international law and its own obligations, Israel, the occupying power, continues its policies of aggression against the people of Palestine: killing dozens of Palestinians, injuring and detaining thousands, demolishing hundreds of homes, and carrying out thousands of military incursions within occupied areas.

At the same time, Israel's government to incite against the Palestinian people, the Palestinian leadership, the two-state solution and the international efforts made in order to achieve peace.

This report summarizes the violations committed by the Government of Israel during the past nine months of negotiations.

Link to the report:

Link to statement by Dr. Saeb Erekat on the end of the nine months negotiations period: http://nad-plo.org/userfiles/file/Press%20release/PLO%20Executive%20Committee%20Member%20Dr_%20Saeb%20Erekat's%20statement%20on%20the%20end%20of%20the%20nine%20months%20negotiations%20period.pdf

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