12 April 2014

Queer of Gender Profile Submission: Troy Jackson

Source: http://queerofgender.com/post/82321851386/qofg-profile-submission-troy-jackson

QofG Profile Submission: Troy Jackson

Introduce yourself! Who are you? What should we call you?

I’m Troy Jackson a Nova Scotian Afro-Metis Recording Artist, Writer and Performer who resides in Toronto.

How do you identify in terms of gender, sexuality, gender expression, etc?
I identify as a Gay Man. My gender expression is a mildly flamboyant, gay man who embraces his feminity. I love to mix it up. I am a Gemini and a twin.

What are your personal pronouns?

Tell us a little about yourself. What makes you special? What do you do, write, think, speak about or love? What marginalized communities do you identify with?
I am special because I breathe, create and am alive. I survived an almost fatal accident last year from a fall that cracked my skull and eardrum. Coming out of an induced 3 day coma- hooked up to a breathing tube with your arms strapped down shocked me into realizing how special life a breath is. I have been creating things since I was a kid, my family is very animated, artistic storytellers. My love of music was infused into my soul when I feel backwards on the vinyl spinning on the record player from my bunk bed as a child. I have been hearing melodies, vocals and beats ever since. Yes there seems to be a theme of falling here. My fall one story and a half as a kid is another article (LOL).
After an almost gay bashing years ago I refocused my “party boy ways” into spoken word cabarets of expression, I healed myself through music and words. “Words can lift you higher or they can bring you down/ Careful what you are saying/Careful who you have around” are words that guide my performance path.

What does your gender and/or gender expression mean to you? Does your gender identity and/or expression play an important part in your life? If so, why?
My gender expression is less about gender and more about expression. What is gender anyway, in a patriarchial society? I believe that one should express themselves however they wish. Gender is fluid.

How does being a part of the marginalized population[s] you identify with affect the way you see gender?
I tend to look at it like this: I am not a member of any minority. I belong to powerful world majorities whom are taking up space, promoting and affirming themselves to make the world a better place through words, actions, art and media and selfies! How we see gender depends on our own life experiences, the culture and society we have grown up in and then ultimately, how we define ourselves.

What words of affirmation do you have for those who are Queer of Gender, specifically those who will find similarities in your experiences to their life?

Sing more! Take up space. Create. Never mind the haters. Manifest magnificent things in the simple everyday. Be lovely to yourself in your words and actions. We all come from Royalty don’t bow to anyone. We are all deserving of love, dignity and respect equally.

We want to promote you! Where can we find you in the world/ on the interwebs?

The story of yours Troyly can be found here www.troyjackson.ca
(Youtube Video: The Batty Boy’s Revenge)
(Youtube: koma)


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