02 April 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: Vote signals world will not stand for profiteering from occupation - 28 March 2014

Source: mass emailing


Welcoming vote at UNHRC, Minister Malki: Vote signals world will not stand for profiteering from occupation
Ramallah - 28 March 2014
Minister Riad Malki welcomed the near unanimous adoption of resolutions on the situation of Human Rights in the Occupied State of Palestine by the Human Rights Council in the course of its 25th session this Friday. The Minister stated, "The resolutions reaffirm the primacy of human rights of the Palestinian people and the obligations of all States to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, as stated in the Charter and elaborated in related international covenants and resolutions".

Foreign Minister Malki particularly welcomed the solid support lent by member states to the resolution on illegal Israeli settlements, which included new action-oriented clauses regarding involvement in settlement-related activities. He declared, "Palestine will work closely with member states to ensure the scrupulous implementation of this resolution". 

Among other things, the resolution called on states to "implement the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to take appropriate measures to encourage businesses domiciled in their territory and/or under their jurisdiction, including those owned or controlled by them, to refrain from committing or contributing to gross human rights abuses of Palestinians, in accordance with the expected standard of conduct in the Guiding Principles and relevant international laws and standards".

Minister Malki expressed Palestine's appreciation to all countries who voted in favor of the resolutions for their principled support. He underscored, "by adopting these resolutions, the international community has reaffirmed its commitment to international law and human rights". He added, "the vote also reflects a clear affirmation by the international community on the indisputable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, establishment of their independent state and return based on UN Resolution 194".

Minister Malki concluded, "this vote confirms the world's clear condemnation of the systematic human rights violations committed by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people and their fundamental rights. Most pertinently, it signals that the world is committed to ensuring that no profiteering is allowed from the occupation regime".

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