10 April 2014

Shin Bet: Monthly Summary – March 2014

Source: http://www.shabak.gov.il/English/EnTerrorData/Reports/Pages/Reports0314.aspx

Monthly Summary – March 2014
March 2014 saw a rise in the number of terror attacks: 136 attacks as opposed to 117 in February 2014. The rise was prominent in the Gaza Strip area: 25 attacks as opposed to 7 in February due to a limited round of fighting (12-13 March) which included a barrage of 64 rockets. Judea and Samaria: 107 rockets as opposed to 101 in February, while 14 of them occurred in "Jerusalem Envelope" (similar to February). Jerusalem, however, saw a slight decline: 3 attacks as opposed to 9 in February. Two Israelis were injured in March: a citizen suffered moderate stab injuries near Geha Interchange / Petah Tikva (2 February, the perpetrator was an illegal alien, a resident of Bir Zeit / Judea); an Israel Border Policeman was severely injured (23 March) by a concrete block at Rachel's Tomb (Judea).
Data regarding terror attacks in March 2014
Following is a regional distribution of attacks: 25 attack from the Gaza Strip (7 in February); 107 attacks in the Judea and Samaria (101 in February); 3 attacks in Jerusalem (9 in February); 1 attack within the "Green Line".
Jerusalem and the Judea and Samaria area: Most attacks executed in March 95 out of 110 were in the form of firebombs (February: 99 out of 110).

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:
Following is a distribution of attacks in March 2014 according to regions:
The Gaza Strip – 25 attacks: 22 rocket launchings; 1 mortar shell launching; 2small arms shootings.
Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 110 attacks: 10 IED; 4 small arms shootings; 1 stone throwing; 95 firebombs (3 in Jerusalem).
The Green Line – 1 attack: stabbing attack.

**Clarification: The number of launchings is the number of rockets/mortar shells actually launched during one high-trajectory fire attack. For example: one attack may include a salvo of three launchings, that is, three rockets/ mortar shells, and so it will be counted as one attack and three launchings.
Monthly summary- March 2014.pdf

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