02 April 2014

SOAS: Forthcoming Events in April 2014

Source: mass emailing

Dear Debra,
The SOAS 2014 spring events calendar has arrived! As ever, we have an exciting range of open-to-all events on offer relating to the regions of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Events in April include the following:

4 April - 7 May, Foyles Special Collections Gallery
As part of the ‘Livingstone 200’ events taking place in the UK, Zambia and Malawi, SOAS will be hosting an exhibition in the Foyle Special Collections Gallery of the Brunei Gallery. This will feature rarely seen archives, photographs, maps and artefacts, brought together for the first time, including a set of surgical instruments thought to have belonged to Livingstone.
For further details, please click here

Professor Lawrence Saez Inaugural Lecture: Hybrid Capitalism and teh development of a Welfare state in Asia

24 April, 6.30pm, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Why is there such variation in development of a welfare state in Asia?  This lecture will map out the unique characteristics of Asian capitalism.  Professor Sáez then engages with two strands of the literature —one dealing with varieties of capitalism (VoC) and the other one with opposition to political reform— in order to argue that these two theoretical frameworks have limited applicability to Asia.  In order to address these weaknesses, Professor Sáez will propose a new typology of hybrid capitalist economies.
For further details, please click here
Professor Gurharpal Singh Inaugural Lecture: Hybrid Capitalism and the development of a Welfare state in Asia
30 April, 6.30pm, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Is Indian democracy unique in accommodating religious diversity?  As the country approaches another critical election, this lecture takes a long-term view of how religious diversity and has been managed and why some religious minorities continues to be marginalised, excluded and suffer high levels of violence.

For further details, please click here
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Missed a SOAS event? You can now view podcasts of public events using the link below. 
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SOAS Spring Calendar of Public Events
Free public events from April to June 2014
You can download a copy of the Winter calendar of SOAS public events using the link below. 
To download a copy, click here
We always welcome feedback on our events. If you have any comments and suggestions about our events, please email events@soas.ac.uk
Best wishes,
SOAS Events Team
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