22 March 2014

Middle East Children's Alliance: 50,000 children drink clean water in Gaza

Source: mass emailing

Good news from Gaza plus new campaign for Palestinian Water Rights!


Middle East Children's Alliance

Dear Friend,

We have exciting news to share on World Water Day! Thanks to your support, MECA's Maia Project is now providing clean water to more than 50,000 children in Gaza every single day. This fall, we installed 14 new water purification and desalination units in schools and kindergartens bringing the total number of purification units to 52. You can check our website for a full list of locations and beneficiaries.

We're also excited to announce the addition of Safaa El-Derawi to our team in Gaza. Safaa is a water engineer born and raised in the Gaza Strip. She will be making regular visits to all of the schools and kindergartens where we have installed water units to test the water, oversee any repairs and maintenance necessary, lead workshops about the water crisis in Gaza, and explain to staff and students the dangers of unpurified water to their health. 

The children and their families join MECA in thanking you for supporting this important project!

Josie Shields-Stromsness
MECA Program Director

P.S. If you would like to receive monthly updates and stories from the field related to the Maia Project and Palestinian water rights, please update your subscription preferences and you will be added to the Maia Project and Palestinian Water Rights list. Thank you. 

"We thank MECA for  providing healthy water for the kids. Previously we used to buy drinking water and often it was salty and we didn't trust its quality. But now we are certain that our kids are drinking clean and safe water. Sometimes students come from neighboring school to drink from the MECA unit." - Headmaster, Rafah Children's Kindergarten


"There was no drinking water in the school. But now the water is available all the time, and I bring with me a bottle to take clean water with me after leaving school." - Ahmed, Deir Al-Balah Boys Preparatory School


TAKE ACTION for Palestinian Water Rights!
While we celebrate this important milestone in the Maia Project, we'd also like to highlight a new call to action from some of our friends and partners in Palestine.

Today marks the start of the first International Week Against Mekorot, Israel's state-owned water company that is responsible for implementing "water apartheid" on Palestinians.

Read "Why boycott Mekorot?" and then



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