03 March 2014

Caabu Event: The Ikhwan in Crisis: The Muslim Brotherhood Beyond the Arab Spring - 5th March Reminder

Source: mass emailing

Caabu Event

The Ikhwan in Crisis: The Muslim Brotherhood Beyond the Arab Spring

Caabu Event
The Ikhwan in Crisis: The Muslim Brotherhood Beyond the Arab Spring - Briefing and Q&A with Alison Pargeter, author and specialist in North Africa and in political Islamist movements
Caabu would like to invite you this Wednesday 5th March, to a briefing and Q&A on the Muslim Brotherhood with Alison Pargeter.
Keep up to date with this event by following Caabu's Facebook page. You can view the event page here or on our website.
The event is public and open to everybody, but if you would be interested in becoming a member to support our work and to help us arrange future events like this, please email Joseph Willits (willitsj@caabu.org) or sign up as a member here.
If you would be interested in purchasing Alison's book on the Muslim Brotherhood ahead of the talk, you can do so here.
The event is public, so everyone is welcome, but it is important that you RSVP to Joseph Willits (willitsj@caabu.org) to reserve a place. Seats may be limited.
When: Wednesday,  March 5, 6:30pm - 8pm
Where: Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament 

 Crispin Blunt MP
About the speaker:
Alison Pargeter is a specialist in North Africa and in political Islamist movements. She is a Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) where she is currently conducting a study of the Muslim Brotherhood beyond the Arab Spring. Her previous academic positions include as a Senior Research Associate at the University of Cambridge and as a Research Fellow at Kings College, London. She is also a Senior Associate at Menas Associates, a global consulting firm.
She has published widely on her areas of expertise and her books include, Libya: The Rise and Fall of Gaddafi (2012); 'The Muslim Brotherhood: The Burden of Tradition' (2008) (updated paperback edition titled The Muslim Brotherhood: From Opposition to Power released in 2013); and The New Frontiers of Jihad: Radical Islam in Europe. She has also authored numerous articles in academic journals and specialist publications. 
About the chair:
Crispin Blunt has been the Conservative Member of Parliament for Reigate since 1997. Between 2004 and 2009, he was Caabu's co-Chair, and as of January returned as a board member. He is also a former chairman of the 
Conservative Middle East Council (CMEC). In July 2013, Blunt went on a fact finding trip to Egypt and wrote about it in the Guardian. He also spoke on a Caabu panel: The crisis in Egypt: the way forward. In January 2014, Crispin also traveled to Lebanon on a Caabu delegation, where he met with Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley.
If you would like to attend this public panel discussion on the Muslim Brotherhood, please RSVP to Joseph Willits (willitsj@caabu.org), or get in touch via Twitter. You can also communicate with us on our Facebook group.

You will be able to follow the event on twitter:

To enter parliament, please use Portcullis House entrance, marked 4 on this map.

Allow at least 30 minutes to pass through security.
Caabu - Advancing Arab-British Relations   
Since 1967, Caabu has taken on a strong political, educational and media role. A cross-party organisation, with Chairs from all the main political parties, Caabu works to advance Arab-British relations through its support for international law, human rights and democracy.

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Joseph Willits
Events & Membership Officer 
1 Gough Square
T: 0207 832 1325
F: 0207 832 1329

for further details  
The Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding Limited, Company Limited by guarantee. Company Number: 5047247
Registered in England and Wales, Registered Office: 1 Gough Square, London EC4A 3DE



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